插画|复古味优雅 来自九十年代
I Said It's Sad Natalia Barbu - I Said It's Sad

英国插画家 Paul Thurlby 现住布莱顿,他的灵感来自老式的海报,设计丰富多彩。复古女郎加上条纹,色彩对比强烈,风格大胆而有趣。
他的儿童读物《字母表》2011年风靡全球,在2013年获得博洛尼亚Ragazzi歌剧大奖(Bologna Ragazzi Opera Prima Award)。荣获AOI世界插图奖2018年“国家宝藏”专业类别(AOI World Illustration Award 2018 Site Specific Professional category for 'National Treasures')。
Personal Work Brigitte Bardot


Personal Work The Reunion

Personal Work Le Marais 2021

Personal Work Red Coat and Stripes

Vespa BBH London

Personal Work Yellow Swimsuit

Personal Work Tennis Bubbles

Personal Work Raincoats

Personal Work Road to Wimbledon

Personal Work Black Sofa

Personal Work Stripe Lovers

Secret 7' Get It On

Personal Work Place Vendôme

Personal Work Scottie Dog with Paul Smith Sock.

Personal Work Sir David Attenborough

Personal Work Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Personal Work Elegant Embrace

FT - How To Spend It
Illustration for article about digital wellness

Personal Work Roger Federer

Personal Work White Dress

Personal Work Marché aux Puces de Saint-Ouen

Personal Work Tying Shoelaces

Personal Work Lido

Personal Work Valentine's Delivery

Personal Work Rue Montorgueil

Personal Work Red Boots

Personal Work Travel Posters

Personal Work Stay Home

Personal Work Still Life With Stripes

Personal Work Midnight Embrace

Hodder Children's Centre Pompidou.
From my book P is for Paris.

Sergeant Paper Batignolles

Personal Work Le Marais

Camera Moda Milano Fashion Week Insider's Guide

Sergeant Paper Tuileries

Personal Work Plastic Lovers

Personal Work Pool Couple

Station No.3 Red Vespa

Personal Work Dog Day at Saltdean Lido

Le Chocolat des Français
Illustration for Calendrier de l'avent and various Christmas Chocolates

Personal Work Verbier Ski

La Grande Librairie Illustration for America

Personal Work Persona
Amstel Posters for Amstel

Personal Work Sunbathers

Summer Lovin' Illustrations for InStyle Magazine

La Dolce Vita Illustration for Le Parisien Week-End

Personal Work Stripe Tease

National Treasures Summer Campaign for John Lewis Department Store. Commissioned by John Lewis

Personal Work Morning Embrace

Valentines Poster Illustration for Carluccio's

Personal Work Yves Saint Laurent Ladies

Sarson's Vinegar Fish & Chip Friday
Advertising campaign for Sarson's Vinegar. Commissioned by McGarryBowen London.

Personal Work The Chrysler Building

Le Parisien Week-End Illustration for Le Parisien WeekEnd

Personal Work The Louvre

Personal Work Oh Là Là

Personal Work Piscine Molitor, Paris.

TFL Poster for TFL. Commissioned by VCCP London

Soho House Christmas Playlist illustration for Soho House

Hodder Children's Books L is for London. Illustrations from my 4th children's book. Published October 2015.

Hodder Children's Cover and spreads from my forthcoming book, NY is for New York. Publishing October 2016.

Personal Work Tennis Posters

Pimm's Pimm's Strawberry Label

Grosset & Dunlap, Penguin Group Ice Cream
Replacement illustration for the re-issue of Art Seiden's My ABC Book.

Filed under food book2014

Kosak Glacier, Montmartre Logo designs for Kosak Glacier, 106 Rue Caulaincourt, Montmartre, Paris.

The Guardian Sport Column
Illustrations from my regular job for The Guardian Sport Section.

Personal Work Alphabet
