雅思口语 和动物相关的7+谚语
sick as a dog 病得十分严重
>>> I was sick as a dog on that day. 我那天病得十分严重。
big fish 大人物
>>> She's a big fish in film industry. 她在电影界是个大人物。
to have a whale of a time 玩得开心,玩得痛快
>>> I had a whale of a time during the holiday. 我在假期期间玩得很痛快。
white elephant 昂贵而无用的东西
>>> The venture has been widely dismissed as a $264 million white elephant. 普遍认为该2.4亿美元的风险投资华而不实。
kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕
>>> You can kill two birds with one stone by practicing British accent, because you will not only be able to get a better score in listening section but also impress the IELTS examiner in speaking. 要是练习英式英语可以一箭双雕。因为你既可以在听力中得分更高,也可以在口语部分让考官觉得惊艳。

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