



Alongside that, many countries are introducing English into the primary-school curriculum but British schoolchildren and students do not appear to be gaining greater encouragement to achieve fluency in other languages.


If left to themselves, such trends will diminish the relative strength of the English language in international education markets as the demand for educational resources in languages, such as Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin grows and international business process outsourcing in other language such as Japanese, French and German, spreads.


diminish / diˈminiʃ / vt. 减少
relative / ˈrelətiv / adj. 相对的
strength / streŋθ / n. 实力;优势
outsource / ˈautsɔ:s / vt. 外包
business process outsource 业务流程外包
spread / spred / vi. 传播,蔓延


If left to themselves, such trends will diminish the relative strength of the English language in international education markets as the demand for educational resources in languages, such as Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin grows and international business process outsourcing in other language such as Japanese, French and German, spreads.
1. If left to themselves 为省略形式,即If these trends are left to themselves, 译为:如果放任不管这些趋势。该部分翻译时,切不可“逐字翻译”,再举一个例子:If left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.  (若放任自流,很多事情就会每况愈下。)
2. 句子主干为主谓宾结构,即:such trends/ will diminish /the relative strength of the English language; in international education markets为修饰成分; 主干+该部分修饰,可译为:这些趋势将会削弱英语在国际教育市场上的相对优势。
3. as究竟表“当……的时候”,还是表“因为”,或其他,只能根据从句含义和主句含义进行确定。
4. 该句中,主句含“will”表对将来的估计,从句中as引导原因状语从句则为较为合理的逻辑关系,译为:因为。该从句主干and连接的两个主谓结构,即the demand /grows /and/ international business process outsourcing spreads,译为:某种需求增长并且国际业务流程外包变得很普遍。其中“spread”一词如果直接译为“蔓延”不是人话,当从句主干遭遇翻译障碍时,应直接对主干不通顺的地方进行替换,“某种情况蔓延开来”=“某种情况变得很普遍”。
5. the demand的修饰成分为“for educational resources in languages, such as Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin -----”;international business process outsourcing的修饰成分为“in other language such as Japanese, French and German”。


The changes identified by David Graddol all present clear and major challenges to UK's providers of English language teaching to people of other countries and to broader education business sectors.
