Stand 既可以作名词,也可以作动词。当它作动词时,主要意为“站立,竖放”等,是一个用法非常丰富的单词,对应的短语动词也很多,其中 stand up 是其中一个比较常见的,它不仅只有“站起”的意思,还有其他意思。
I hope we don't have to stand up for much longer, my legs are getting tired.
You'll look taller if you stand up straight.
When the judge entered the room, everyone stood up.
二、stand sb/sth up,意为“使直立,竖放,使站立”,例如:I stood up the book on its end.After I fell, my teacher stood me up and brushed off my jacket.The police tried to stand the drunken drivers up on their feet.
三、stand sb up,意为“失约,爽约,放…的鸽子”,通常指恋人,例如:I'm sorry I stood you up, but I had a family emergency last night.My roommate stood up the prospective students who had wanted to tour the campus.My blind date stood me up, so I had to eat alone.
四、stand up for sth/sb,意为“支持,维护”,例如:If you do not stand up for yourself, people will not respect you.The candidate stood up for the rights of migrant workers.
五、stand up to sb,意为“抵抗,勇敢反对,不甘忍受某人的欺负(或不公平对待)”,例如:The citizens were too afraid to stand up to the cruel dictator.It was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.
六、stand up to sth,意为“ 能承受,经受得住,耐(…)”,通常指产品或材料等,相当于 withstand,例如:
The carpet is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.
Is this building going to stand up to the strongest gales?
七、stand up (to sth),意为“经得起”,常指检验或审查等,例如:I just don't think her early work stands up in comparison to her modern masterpieces.我只是不认为她早期的作品与她现代的杰作相比是站得住脚的。I'm afraid this document will never stand up in a court of law.Our old car has stood up well over time.
bully 意为“仗势欺人者,横行霸道者,恐吓“等