关于袁隆平院士一生的坎坷和坚持,我们周六在文章袁隆平逝世!那个“让天下人都吃饱饭”的人走了 中简略写过,今天准备了一篇精读课件,帮助大家重温袁老取得的成就。

Tributes Flow for Yuan Longping, Who Helped Save China from Hunger
Yuan Longping, China’s “father of hybrid rice” and hailed for his contributions to the country’s food security, died on Saturday. He was 91 years old.
The Chinese agronomist was known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s and regarded as a national hero for boosting grain harvests and helping to feed the world’s most populous country.
News of Yuan’s death prompted a flood of tributes online and was a top-ranking topic on Chinese microblogging site Weibo.
Born in Beijing in September 1930, Yuan began his career as an agrarian researcher in the 1950s. He often said in interviews that he was driven to increase rice output in China because of the hunger he had witnessed. “My lifetime pursuit is to ensure all people stay away from hunger,” he once said.
In the decades that followed, Yuan was associated with some of the most important breakthroughs in his field.
As early as 1964, Yuan theorised that a male-sterile grain could be crossed with other plants to boost yields, but it was not until 1973 that he cultivated the first hybrid rice thanks to the discovery of a wild rice species that made the breakthrough possible. Mass cultivation of the crop began in 1976 and proved key to China being able to feed one-fifth of the world’s population with just 9 per cent of its arable land.
In 1995, he produced a two-line hybrid rice and was tasked by the government to improve yields still further. He later developed a single line hybrid rice. In 1996, the agriculture ministry tasked Yuan to start a programme to breed “super rice”, plants of much higher yields.
Hybrid rice varieties have yields that tend to be about 20 per cent higher than those of conventional rice, and have been planted in 16 million hectares, or more than half of China’s rice acreage. China could feed 70 million more people thanks to Yuan’s research.
Yuan was awarded the World Food Prize in 2004, for “pioneering research that helped transform China from food deficiency to food security within three decades”.
China first exported hybrid rice to the United States in 1979 and has forged agreements on the technology — sometimes dubbed “rice diplomacy” — with several developing countries, including the Philippines, Pakistan and Madagascar. According to the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Centre, about 8 million hectares overseas has been planted with the varieties.
In his later years, he was also involved in research in China and Dubai into growing crops in diluted seawater.
In 2019, Yuan was awarded the Medal of the Republic, the country’s highest honour, for his contribution to China’s food security and scientific development of agriculture, as well as increasing the world’s food output.