三年英语《Lesson 16》教学设计

江桥镇中心小学 赵彬


1、①Listen , speak ,read the words : grandmother ( grandma )   grandfather ( grandpa )

②Graspthe sentences : Who’s this ? Who’s that ?





1. Greeting.

T: How are you?

Ss:I’m fine , thanks . Andyou ?

T : I’m fine , too . Thanks.

2. Free talk

T : Everyonehas parents . They give the love to us . What should we say to them ? Please watch thevideo . Let’s say “Father andmother I love you .” loudly . OK , we learn Unit 3 Thisis my father . Lesson 16 countinue .


1.To learn thesentences

(1).T: Pleaselook at the photo . This is my son . Who’s this ?

Ss : This is …



(3)T:Look at the sreen,ask and answer with the sentence drill “ Who’s this ?”

(4)T : Good .Who’sthis ?

Ss: This isMiss Ni .

T : Yes , it’s me . Who’s this ?

Ss:This isHuang Jinming .

T : And who’s that ?

Ss:That’s … .

(5) 领读、点名读句型。

(6)Explain thediffence between this and that .

T : 刚才老师在问这张相片时,用Who’s this ?而在问这两张时用who’sthat ? Now who can tell me the diffence between this and that .


T : this和that除了指对象的远近之外,this还有启下的作用,而that还有承上的作用。

(7)T :OK,now ask and answer with the sentence drill “Who’s that ?

2 . To learnthe words

(1)T: Good job. Look at this photo . Who’s this ?

Ss:This is GaoWei .

T:Who’s this ?This is GaoWei’s grandmother .

(2)板书单词,采用不同形式记忆单词。(Wecan also say grandma . I read it now ,you read it loudly ,and then oppisite .)

(3)用同样的方法教学单词grandfather.( We can also say grandpa .I read it once ,you read it twice , and thenoppisite .)

(4)Play a game.


1. T:You do itvery well . Now let me check you .Look at the screen .

2. T:Exerllent. Many grandparents came into our class . Let’s see who they are .

T : I will haveSs to choose a number and ask the question . Then other students answer l.

3. Text

(1)T : Who’s that ? Do you know. I don’t know , either . First let’s look and listen .(放碟) Who’s that ? 引导学生回答That’sKate’s grandfather . Follow the video .


4. introuduceyour family

(1)T: Work inpairs ,introuduce your family .

(2)T:I havefour family photos . Please introuduce your family .


Sing the song

T :At last let’s make the end of ourclass in the music .



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