
在上节课中,April说 “To read is to voyage to time, to visit places you would never otherwise know, to experience a world of imagination, adventure, and discovery. ” 阅读是时间的航行,是寻访你未知的地方,是经历想象力、冒险和发现的世界。
Part 1 演 讲 视 频
Pre-watching 带着问题听演讲
1. What does April mean by saying "Reading is also a good way for us to connect with others"?
2. Do you have similar experiences? 你有类似的经历吗?
Part 2 重 点 解 析
Key Points 演讲重点
Key Points 演讲重点
Reading is also a good way for us to connect with others. 阅读也是我们与他人交流的好方法。
way /weɪ/
(n.) =method
a good/bad way for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事的好/坏方法
a good/bad way of doing sth. 做某事的好/坏方法
There are many ways of solving the problem.解决这个问题有多种方法。
connect /kəˈnekt/
(v.) 联系,连接,与……建立良好联系
She has a remarkable ability to connect with a wide variety of people. 她有一种非凡的能力,可以与各种各样的人建立起良好关系。
Key Points 演讲重点
We then immediately started a discussion about characters in that book. Yoyo’s mom and my mom also found that they had a lot in common.
immediately /ɪˈmiː.di.ət.li/
(adv.) 立刻,马上;(距离或时间上)紧接
We really ought to leave immediately.
They moved in immediately before Christmas.他们在圣诞节前不久才搬进来。
discussion /dɪˈskʌʃ.ən/
(n.) 讨论,议论,谈论
be under discussion 在讨论中
discussion with sb. about sth. 就某事与某人讨论
I started discussion with Yoyo about characters in that book. 我开始和Yoyo讨论书中的人物。
character /ˈkær.ək.tər/
(n.) 性格,个性,特征;风格,特征,性格;(电影或故事中的)人物、角色
作为人物、角色意义时,是可数名词,后面加s表示复数:The film revolves around three main characters. 电影围绕3位主角展开。
作为风格、性格意义时,是不可数名词:I'd prefer an old place with a bit of character.我偏爱有特色的老地方。
Key Points 演讲重点
Also, I believe that when parents read to their children, it brings back good memories from their own childhood. This is a strong relationship that can get rid of gaps in between generations.
believe /bɪˈliːv/
(vt.及物动词) 相信
He believes that all children are born with equal intelligence.他相信孩子们出生时智商是一样的。
not believe a word of it 根本不相信
He told me she was just a friend, but I don't believe a word of it!他告诉我她只是个普通朋友而已,可我根本就不信!
believe it or not 信不信由你
He's upstairs doing his homework, believe it or not.他在楼上做功课,信不信由你。
bring back
bring sb sth back 把某物带回
Can you bring me back some milk?你能给我带些牛奶回来吗?
bring back sth唤起(回忆),使忆起
The photos brought back some wonderful memories.这些照片唤起了我的一些美好回忆。
memory /ˈmem.ər.i/
(n.) 记忆力,记性;记忆,回忆
After the accident he suffered from loss of memory/memory loss.事故发生之后,他丧失了记忆力。
I have vivid memories of that evening.我对那晚仍记忆犹新。
childhood /ˈtʃaɪld.hʊd/
(n.) 童年,孩童时期
Childhood is not always a happy time.童年并不总是快乐的时光。
get rid of
That cream got rid of my skin rash.那种药膏治好了我身上的皮疹。
Have you managed to get rid of your old Volvo yet?你处理掉你的旧沃尔沃车了吗?
gap /ɡæp/
gap between sth ……之间的差距
The gap between rich and poor is still widening (= becoming greater).贫富差距仍在继续拉大。
generation /ˌdʒen.əˈreɪ.ʃən/
The younger generation smokes less than their parents did. 年轻的一代比他们父母这一代人吸烟要少。
Part 3 句 子 演 练
Sentence Practice 句子演练
Reading is also a good way for us to connect with others. 阅读也是我们与他人交流的好方法。
Have you experienced connecting with others through reading?你有通过阅读与他人建立联系的经历吗?欢迎在留言区分享,被选为精华的留言,将获赠演讲全文哦 !