上周末,在内陆重映的《阿凡达》狂揽1.36亿元(约合2千万美元),从而使其全球总票房超过《复仇者联盟4》(Avengers: Endgame),一举重回世界第一的宝座。
这十年来,或许无人敢质疑《阿凡达》的视觉特效(visual effects),但关于这个外星“钉子户”遭遇人类强拆队的故事,却也在文化层面被各种解读。
While asked the legacy about the film over past decade, Cameron replies: “As a filmmaker, you want to be able to resonate with people everywhere. I know some people criticize the story for being too simple. I think it wasn't that simple. It was universal. It was something that everybody everywhere could understand and emotionally related to.”
“With the first Avatar film, we just did everything we could imagine. That would make it a better experience for you in the theaters from 3D screens to the quality of the animation and the sense of reality as well as the way in which we captured the performances and translated them to the characters (the 3-meter-tall, blue-skinned Na’vi aliens),” says Cameron.
Cameron says that he has felt “truly incredible about what has happened in China”. He adds he feels impressive about Chinese film authorities’ effort to promote local cinemas and bring people back to theaters.
“You guys (Chinese people) are leading the charge. That's fantastic. I love it that you've got the virus under control enough and you've got the economy reemerging as well as cinema reemerging.”
China took decisive action shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak earlier last year, enforcing a six-month-long closure of more than 75,000 screens in around 12,000 cinemas until it became safe again for moviegoers to return.
Propelled by a bunch of Chinese blockbusters ranging from the patriotic anthology My People, My Homeland to the recent Spring Festival smash hit Hi, Mom, the country has seen an inspiring revival from the impact of the pandemic, becoming the world’s largest movie market in terms of yearly box office gross since October last year.
“The Chinese film industry is growing in strength and ability to tell these Chinese stories at a world-class level,” says Cameron.
“I'm honored that they (referring to the China Film Administration and Chinese distributors) chose Avatar to be one of the films to sort of remind people what the cinematic experience is,” he adds.
“I spent two years building a submarine and diving it to the deepest place in the world, which is in the Deepsea Challenge. I didn't even really start until 2012,” says Cameron.
此外,他还监制了《阿丽塔:战斗天使》(Alita: Battle Angel),而且还从学术层面上以一己之力聚集神仙阵容,邀请雷德利·斯科特、斯皮尔伯格、乔治·卢卡斯和诺兰等大咖拍了六集纪录片《詹姆斯·卡梅隆的科幻故事》(James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction)。
He says the actual production of the four Avatar sequels started around three years ago — with a year and a half for performance capture, followed by the live action filming of the human characters. “But there's no cameras involved in the performance capture process. We're capturing data of the performances. That's how we bring those beautiful, big, blue Na’vi people to life,” says Cameron.
But he reveals that he had also seen the project delayed for four months due to the pandemic, and the good news is that the first Avatar sequel will be released in December 2022.
浮云一别,流水十年。《阿凡达》归去又复来的这十年里,你是否愿意和China Daily分享下,你所经历的人生起伏?