[第460次听写]每逢佳节胖三斤, "胆固醇"的英文该怎么说?

我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长.我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持1年多了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~

本期我们听乔布斯访谈 The Lost Interview


4 You know, at that time, I mean they didn’t know about cholesterol back then. but at that time they used to bring a big cart full of donuts and coffee out at 10 o’clock every morning, everybody take a coffee and donut break and, just little things like that.
那时候, 他们不懂得胆固醇的危害. 那时候每天早上10点, 他们会推一大车的甜甜圈和咖啡出来, 每个人都吃点东西, 喝点咖啡休息一下, 就是诸如此类的小细节

cholesterol=胆固醇 /kəˈlɛstəˌrɔl/

donuts and coffee=甜甜圈和咖啡
a big cart full of xxx=一大车满载着xxx
bring xxx out=把…取出来

这里按照语法应该是everybody would take/everyone would take
也可以是(and) we would take

take a break=休息一下
take a coffee and donut break=休息一下喝咖啡吃甜甜圈

coffee and donut break and听着像coffee in donut break in
语速较快时, [ən]和in[ɪn]是很难分辨的

首先just末尾的t失爆, 读作[dʒʌs]
其次要先把前边的and定位, 把后边的little找到, 然后再去捕捉中间的just
最后just vs so, 有童鞋会把这里听成so, 听我示范一下
这里用just就表示: 仅仅从这些点滴小事就能看出公司优待员工


网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~

1 And I was, I was 12 years old and, and that really made a remarkable influence on me.
我当时12岁, 那对我的影响十分巨大

2 I…Hewlett-Packard was really the only company I’d ever seen in my life at that age.

3 And it formed my view of what a company was and how well they treated their employees.
它构建了我对于公司的理解, 以及他们是如何优待他们的员工的

4 You know, at that time, I mean they didn’t know about cholesterol back then. but at that time they used to bring a big cart full of donuts and coffee out at 10 o’clock every morning, everybody take a coffee and donut break and, just little things like that.
那时候, 他们不懂得胆固醇的危害. 那时候每天早上10点, 他们会推一大车的甜甜圈和咖啡出来, 每个人都吃点东西, 喝点咖啡休息一下, 就是诸如此类的小细节

5 It, it was clear that the company was, was… the company recognized that its true value was its employees.
非常清晰地可以看到, 公司知道它最大的价值就在于它的员工

