228.6米!! 日本超高层综合体,4米高的外墙玻璃。


东京涉谷站是日本9条铁路的主要枢纽,NIKKEN SEKKEI设计了一个起伏的“scramble square”干预。该枢纽每天运送旅客330万人次。
NIKKEN SEKKEI presents an undulating 'scramble square’ intervention to tokyo's shibuya station, a major hub for nine of japan's railway lines. the hub transports 3.3 million passengers each day. aiming for a safe and pleasant city for all the visitors, in addition to its traffic convenience, shibuya’s central area has been undergoing a major urban redevelopment with numerous projects to improve traffic flows around the station, construct disaster-resistant facilities, attract new industries such as it, and enhance its global appeal as the cultural capital. responding to the complex and inhomogenous context, the project is organized with three distinctive design features reflecting the district’s characteristics — the 'urban core,’ 'drawing eyes to the corners, and 'shibuya sky.’

NIKKEN SEKKEI设计的涉谷scramble广场带有“城市核心”,即连接垂直运动的城市空间。由于该地区特有的山谷地形,主干道将城镇分隔开来,铁路公司重复搬迁和扩建/重建,涉谷变得支离破碎,成为一个行人难以通行的城市。
NIKKEN SEKKEI designs its shibuya scramble square with an 'urban core,’ or an urban space connecting vertical movements. because of the valley topography peculiar to this area, the arterial roads dividing the town, and relocation and extension/reconstruction repeated by railway companies, shibuya was fragmented and became a city that is difficult for pedestrians to navigate. in order to solve these problems, the vertical atrium space dubbed as the “urban core” was designed to realize smooth longitudinal movements. the urban core made its presence known in the city with its unique 'dented’ tower form. its façade features rows of louvers spiraling upwards, breaking up its enormous scale to provide a sense of continuity with the surrounding urban landscape.

为了吸引人们的目光,NIKKEN SEKKEI设计了涉谷争霸赛广场,将超高层和下方的城市连接起来。在涉谷,道路和铁路从山谷的中心向外辐射,使得“角落”比“侧面”更明显。“该塔的设计是为了吸引人们的目光到它的角落,与城镇的城市景观相呼应。”
drawing eyes to the corners, NIKKEN SEKKEI designs its shibuya scramble square to connect the super high-rise and the city below. in shibuya, roads and railways radiate out from its center on the valley floor, making 'corners’ more visible than 'sides.’ the tower is designed to draw the eye towards its corners to correspond to the town’s urban landscape. each pane of low-E glass on the façade is over four meters tall. the shape of the panes transforms slightly on the tower’s corners, changing the appearance of their reflections. the white ceramic print placed over the glass panes is designed to increase its transparency towards the corners to create a visual flow. the flow starting at the lower portion of the building continues upwards to the rooftop observation deck just as the tower rising from the street to the sky.

NIKKEN SEKKEI的团队将“涉谷天空”观测台整合到其混乱的广场上,作为一个远离东京喧嚣的地方。塔高超过750英尺( 228.6 米),塔顶设有观景台,可以看到东京的绝佳全景。这个巨大的观景台故意空着,把游客从城市的喧嚣中解放出来。
the team at NIKKEN SEKKEI integrates a 'shibuya sky’ observatory to its scramble square as a place to escape the bustle of tokyo without leaving it. rising over 750 feet, the tower is crowned with the observatory featuring an outstanding panoramic view of tokyo. this vast observatory deck is intentionally left empty to free visitors from the hustle and bustle of the city. the deck’s perimeter is surrounded by transparent glass screens to provide the unobstructed 360-degree view and allow visitors to simultaneously feel tokyo’s dynamic energy and a sense of unity with the sky. as a new floating public space, shibuya sky connects shibuya’s radiating townscape and rising skyscrapers.

地点:日本 东京


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