

Warner advocates for a benefits system that’s more portable, and he also wants workers to have access to education and skill building that can help them move from just-scraping-by to financially comfortable. That, too, could help solve the problem of gaps where jobs are available but there are too few workers with appropriate skills to fit them. Jobs like electricians and various other trade work.



“Every politician says they want more carpenters and welders and plumbers, but we don’t really put the policy implications behind it,” Warner said. That’s in part because of the bifurcation between America’s so-called blue-collar and white-collar workers—stratification that is reinforced by massive pay and advancement gaps.


1. 首句包含直接引语,引语部分的主干为but连接的并列句,前半句为“主谓宾从”结构,即:every politician /says/ (that) they want more carpenters and welders and plumber. 其中“they”所指代的如果是“政治家(政客)”本人,则意思较为勉强,因此,they 指代应该是“政治家所代表的政府”。

2. but 之后的句子主干为“主谓宾宾补”结构,即:we/don’t really put/ the policy implications/ behind it; 其中it指代but之前的整句话。其中,put the policy implications behind it 译为:用政策的影响来支持这种言论。

3. 二句主干为主系表结构,即:that/is/because of the bifurcation … —stratification …;其中bifurcation 和stratification 为同位语关系。between America’s so-called blue-collar and white-collar workers为bifurcation的后置定语;that is reinforced by massive pay and advancement gaps 为定语从句,修饰stratification.


carpenter n. 木工,木匠

welder n. 焊接工

plumber 管子工,水暖工; 堵漏人员

put (something) behind (someone or something) 用……来支持……; 忘记……

in part 在某种程度上,部分地

because of … 因为,由于; 基于

bifurcation /ˌbaifəˈkeiʃn/ n. 分歧;二根分叉部

blue-collar adj. 蓝领工人的; 体力劳动者的

white-collar adj.  白领的

stratification n. 分层; 层理; 成层; 层化

reinforce /ˌri:inˈfɔ:s/ v. 加强;使……更强烈

advancement n. 提升,晋升


“Every politician says they want more carpenters and welders and plumbers, but we don’t really put the policy implications behind it,” Warner said. That’s in part because of the bifurcation between America’s so-called blue-collar and white-collar workers—stratification that is reinforced by massive pay and advancement gaps.

Warner说,“每个政客(政治家)都说他们(的政府)需要更多的木匠、焊工和水管工人,但我们并用政策的影响力来支持这种言论。” 这件事的部分原因在于美国所谓的蓝领和白领工人之间的阶层划分,巨大的工资和晋升差距进一步加大了这种分层。


Warner says he doesn’t want that solution for closing those gaps and creating new opportunities for workers to come from the federal government, at least not at first and not directly. “Government doesn’t do a very good job of upscaling people,” Warner said.

