【新刊速递】International Studies Quarterly, Vol.65, No. 2, 2021(续)


《国际研究季刊》(International Studies Quarterly)是国际研究协会的旗舰期刊,由牛津大学出版社每年发行四期,旨在发表与国际研究中重要理论性、实证性、规范性主题相关的领先学术成果。根据Journal Citation Reports的数据,2019年该期刊的影响因子为2.146。
【编译】谢菁 赖永祯 陈勇 张彦赪 崔宇涵
【审校】赵雷 施榕

1. 性别、司法和协商:为何女性难以影响和平缔造?
Gender, Justice and Deliberation: Why Women Don't Influence Peacemaking
2. 作战与讨价还价:内战中的冲突激化、承诺与谈判
Battles and Bargains: Escalation, Commitment, and Negotiations in Civil War
Stick Then Carrot: When Do Governments Give Amnesty during Civil War?
4. 机制的增多会破坏合作吗?理论以及来自气候变化的实证依据
Does Institutional Proliferation Undermine Cooperation? Theory and Evidence from Climate Change
Great Power Narcissism and Ontological (In)Security: The Narrative Mediation of Greatness and Weakness in International Politics
【题目】Gender, Justice and Deliberation: Why Women Don't Influence Peacemaking
【作者】Denisa Kostovicova,英国伦敦政治学院全球政治学副教授,其专业领域是冲突后的司法程序重建,主要研究巴尔干地区并包括与其他冲突区域的对比研究;Tom Paskhalis,美国纽约大学社交媒体与政治学中心博士后研究员,研究兴趣包括比较政治学、英国政治、政治沟通和游说以及社交媒体。
Scholars have pinpointed that women's underrepresentation in peacemaking results in gendered outcomes that do not address women's needs and interests. Despite recent increased representation at the negotiating table, women still have a limited influence on peacemaking outcomes. We propose that differences in female and male speeches reflected in the gendered patterns in discourse during peacemaking explain how women's influence is curtailed. We examine women's speaking behavior in transitional justice debates in the post-conflict Balkans. Applying multimethod quantitative text analysis to over half a million words in multiple languages, we analyze structural and thematic speech patterns. We find that men's domination of turn-taking and the absence of topics reflecting women's needs and interests lead to a gendered outcome. The sequences of men talking after men are longer than those of women talking after women, which restricts women's deliberative space and opportunities to develop and sustain arguments that reflect their concerns. We find no evidence that women's limited influence is driven by lower deliberative quality of their speeches. This study of gendered dynamics at the microlevel of discourse identifies a novel dimension of male domination during peacemaking.
【题目】Battles and Bargains: Escalation, Commitment, and Negotiations in Civil War
【作者】Elizabeth J. Menninga,美国艾奥瓦大学政治学助理教授,其研究兴趣为国内冲突解决问题;Alyssa K. Prorok,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校政治学助理教授,研究兴趣为内战的过程与解决,以及国际法研究。
Why do some civil war peace processes stall, while others build momentum? This paper examines how combatant behavior surrounding previous negotiations influences future talks during civil war. We argue disputants learn about the severity of the commitment problem based on whether their opponent escalates or de-escalates violence immediately after negotiations. While de-escalation reveals the opponent is willing and able to negotiate in good faith, escalation reveals the commitment problem to be severe. Post-negotiation escalation is perceived as a sign of bad faith or dissent within the opponent's ranks over the decision to negotiate. We hypothesize, therefore, that escalation after prior negotiations reduces the likelihood of subsequent talks relative to de-escalation. As a consequence, reviving a peace process after post-negotiation escalation may require external pressure to bring the disputants back to the table. We expect third-party involvement to mitigate the negative effect of prior escalation by providing incentives to revive talks or alleviating fears of defection. We test our expectations on monthly data on civil conflicts in Africa, finding post-negotiation escalation decreases the probability of subsequent negotiations, conditioned by third-party involvement. These findings are robust to a variety of operationalization and model specification choices.
【题目】Stick Then Carrot: When Do Governments Give Amnesty during Civil War?
【作者】Lesley-Ann Daniels,巴塞罗那国际问题研究所研究员。
Governments grant amnesties to rebel groups during civil wars and this is a puzzle. Why would the government offer an amnesty, which can be interpreted as a signal of weakness? In certain circumstances, offering amnesty is a rational policy choice. Governments should give amnesties when they are winning: the risk of misinterpreted signals is lessened, costs are low, rebel groups are weakened, and so amnesty can be used instrumentally to encourage defection or division among foot soldiers or as an incentive to leaders. Therefore, the government capitalizes on its military advantage and offers amnesty in a “stick then carrot” tactic. Using a database of amnesties during conflicts from 1990 to 2011, the article shows that governments are more likely to give amnesties following high rebel deaths. The use of amnesty during conflict is nuanced and context is important when understanding strategic choices.
【题目】Does Institutional Proliferation Undermine Cooperation? Theory and Evidence from Climate Change
【作者】Sam S Rowan, 加拿大康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)政治科学系助理教授。他的研究主要关注的是全球环境政治和国际合作,特别是针对气候变化的机制性合作。
【摘要】全球政治经历了巨大的机制激增,但关于各国为何加入这些新机制以及它们是否支持合作的问题仍然存在。作者在现有研究的基础上建立了一个关于在密集的机制环境中的国家参与的一般理论,这也有助于解释合作的结果。我认为,当合作进行得太慢或太快时,国家都可能会产生不满,而这两种类型的不满意会激发相反的参与行为。“合作深化者”是不满于合作进展缓慢的国家,它们加入合作机制以促进合作。而“合作分裂者”是不满于合作进展过快的国家,它们加入合作机制是为了破坏合作。作者使用关于 63 个气候合作相关的机制和《巴黎协定》中各国的温室气体减排目标的新数据来评估这一论点。本研究发现,在气候机制中,致力于推进巴黎协定落实的成员往往拥有更具雄心的目标,而普通成员则不具备这些目标
Global politics has undergone a tremendous institutional proliferation, yet many questions remain about why states join these new institutions and whether they support cooperation. I build on existing work to develop a general theory of state participation in dense institutional environments that also helps to explain cooperative outcomes. I argue that states may be dissatisfied when cooperation proceeds either too slowly or too quickly and that these two types of dissatisfaction motivate opposing participation behaviors. Deepeners are states that are dissatisfied with the slow pace of cooperation and join institutions to support cooperation, while fragmenters are states dissatisfied with the quick pace and join institutions to undermine cooperation. I evaluate my argument using new data on sixty-three climate institutions and states’ greenhouse gas mitigation targets in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. I find that membership in climate institutions designed to facilitate implementation is associated with more ambitious targets, while membership in general is unrelated to targets.
【题目】Great Power Narcissism and Ontological (In)Security: The Narrative Mediation of Greatness and Weakness in International Politics
【作者】Linus Hagström,瑞典国防大学(Swedish Defence University)政治学教授,瑞典国际事务研究所(Swedish Institute of International Affairs)高级研究员。主要研究方向为东北亚国际关系,尤其是日本的外交和安全战略。
Why do self-representations of weakness pervade public discourse in self-identified great powers? Moreover, why do they intersect with self-representations of greatness? Do such narrative instability, inconsistency, and incoherence simply indicate that great powers are ontologically insecure? This article advances a theoretical explanation that is both embedded in and contributes to scholarship that theorizes ontological (in)security from a Lacanian perspective. The gist, ironically, is that great powers’ quest for greatness is co-constituted with the narrative construction of weakness. The article then challenges the assumption in existing ontological security scholarship that states are generally self-reflexive and experience pride when ontologically secure but shame when ontologically insecure. Since great power narratives reflect persistent, exaggerated, and simultaneous feelings of shame and pride, it argues that narcissism helps better account for great power self-identification and ontological security-seeking. Drawing on psychological research on narcissism, the article develops four narrative forms—shame, pride, denial, and insult—through which self-representations of weakness and greatness, and feelings of shame and pride, can be mediated. Finally, using empirical illustrations from the United States and China, the article analyzes how and with what implications political leaders have narrated about each respective great power’s weakness and greatness, with a focus on the period 2006–2020.