首发 | 丰屋 × URO · 动物冒险岛







| © 404NF STUDIO

随着全球疫情爆发,澳洲森林大火引发的环境问题,开始引起人们的反思:“ 这一切是否是大自然无声的抗议?”,人与大自然和动物和谐相处的问题引来越来越多人关注。

With the outbreak of the global epidemic and a series of environmental problems caused by bushfires in Australia, the harmony between human beings and nature and animals has become critical.

与此同时,“中国式父母”的教育理念往往让亲子关系处于紧绷的状态,如何做一个张弛有度的父母,如何在学和玩儿之间寻求平衡?设计师强调“恰当距离的情感”这个因素是亲子交流中的核心。乐贝亲子民宿乐园由 “情感设计 ” 出发,重点探讨 亲子互动关系 。由狮子、大象、斑马和鹦鹉四种不同的动物分别传达四种不同的个性特质:交流、探索、勇气和智慧,希望用 “ 玩中学习,学习中玩 ” 的思维方式构建一个亲子乐园。让小朋友在乐园中游玩的过程中,加深与家长的交流与互动,领悟到自然教育的意义。

Starting from the "emotional design", Le Bei Family Home Stay focuses on the parent-child interaction relationship. Four different animals,respectively convey four different personality , and build a parent-child paradise from the way of thinking of "learning while playing, learning while playing".

| 接待区生命之树细节 © SFAP

| 接待区/接待区通道 © SFAP


The wire simulates the feeling of drooping branches and vines, implying the tree of life in the animal kingdom, so that the high reception hall can feel the sense of visual shock as soon as you enter.

| 水吧区通道 © SFAP

| 水吧区 © SFAP

| 休息区 © 404NF STUDIO


The wire simulates the feeling of drooping branches and vines, implying the tree of life in the animal kingdom, so that the high reception hall can feel the sense of visual shock as soon as you enter.

| 攀爬区入口 © SFAP

| 手工区 © 404NF STUDIO


White gauze curtain floats in the sky like the cloud in fairy tale world, lightsome and lively. According to the space requirements, each functional area is transformed into a colorful box, attracting the desire of children to enter and explore it. At the same time, the large area of straw texture paint unified the tone of the whole space. Soft outfit with low saturation color and line graffiti style modeling and animal sculpture, the overall creation of a colorful animal kingdom adventure island.

| 爬网区域 © SFAP


White gauze curtain floats in the sky like the cloud in fairy tale world, lightsome and lively. According to the space requirements, each functional area is transformed into a colorful box, attracting the desire of children to enter and explore it. At the same time, the large area of straw texture paint unified the tone of the whole space. Soft outfit with low saturation color and line graffiti style modeling and animal sculpture, the overall creation of a colorful animal kingdom adventure island.

| 滑滑梯梦幻城堡 © 404NF STUDIO

| 滑滑梯城堡 © SFAP

| © SFAP


The wire simulates the feeling of drooping branches and vines, implying the tree of life in the animal kingdom, so that the high reception hall can feel the sense of visual shock as soon as you enter.

| 小木屋城堡/欢乐波波池 ©SFAP

| © 404NF STUDIO


In addition to interesting functional divisions and vivid animal images, there are various openings in the space, where children can find different dreamlike and interesting worlds.

| 冒险木屋隧道 ©SFAP

| 冒险小木屋 ©SFAP

| 儿童专用卫生间 ©SFAP

| 民宿酒店入口 © 404NF STUDIO





[ 辛巴的王国 ]
在设计师设计过程调研中狮子是最受小朋友喜爱的主题IP,因为在媒体中狮子一直是作为勇气的代名词,勇气是敢于去挑战一切困难。该主题亲子民宿主材主要选择符合狮子主题特色的材料:米黄色肌理漆及木饰面,且在空间中设置了木屋,秋千,木马及具有勇气象征的小型攀岩墙作为 亲子互动元素 。家长和小朋友可以在狮子主题民宿中在木屋里讲故事,畅想那生动有趣的辛巴王国。

In the survey of the designer's design process, lions are the most popular theme IP for children, because lions have always been synonymous with courage in the media. The main material of the theme parent-child home stay is mainly in line with the lion theme characteristics. In the space, a wooden house, swing, wooden horse and a small climbing wall with a symbol of courage are set as the parent-child interaction elements. Parents and children can tell stories and imagine the vivid and interesting Simba Kingdom in the lion theme home stay in the wooden house.

| 二层儿童主题活动空间 ©SFAP

| 一层亲子共享客餐厅 ©SFAP

| 楼梯通道 © 404NF STUDIO

[ 曼尼之家 ]

大象主题民宿主要希望传达大象的智慧的元素,智慧来源于知识,阅读是知识的开端,人的一生都在学习的过程。在空间中提取了大象整体圆弧厚实的形象感,肌理漆很好地表达了大象的肌肤质感。空间中各处都设置了放书的地方,家长和小朋友能够在大象户型中体验到沉浸式入住体验。阅读,投影电影,泡泡城堡,梦幻的世界让亲子能够于此享受彼此陪伴的一天 。

Elephant theme house in the main form of space for local smallpox and soft outfit using arc chamfer processing. The whole space tone is warm gray, mainly using texture paint material. The spherical light is used to echo the overall space atmosphere of the soft installation.

| © 404NF STUDIO

| 一层亲子共享客餐厅 © 404NF STUDIO

| 二层儿童主题活动空间 ©SFAP

| ©SFAP(左)、© 404NF STUDIO(右)

| 二层客房 © 404NF STUDIO


[ 马克的草原 ]


Zebra theme homestay with simple lines combined with black and white and wood colors, local with modeling characteristics of soft decoration for ornament. As the zebra theme is full of line sense and simple sense, considering the unique fashion of the theme, it is specially set as the only characteristic house type. For the preference of artistic atmosphere family choice.

| 一层亲子共享空间 © 404NF STUDIO

| © 404NF STUDIO(左)、©SFAP(右)

| 斑马主题亲子活动区/二层客房 © SFAP

| 二层客房走道 © 404NF STUDIO


[ 布鲁的山谷 ]


Parrot theme apartment with its empty interactive living room very well conveys the core characteristics of parrots theme "communication". Secondly, combined with the spatial atmosphere intention of the parrot forest, the color elements of the parrot wings were extracted from the space, and flax and green were used as decorations for local soft decoration.

| 亲子共享空间 © 404NF STUDIO

| 鹦鹉亲子民宿玄关 © 404NF STUDIO

| 鹦鹉主题客房 © SFAP

| 鹦鹉主题客房 © SFAP

项目名称 | 乐贝亲子民宿( 环球融创·江口水镇 )

Project Name | Le’Bonny hotel

项目地点 | 四川 · 眉山

Project Location | SiChuan · MeiShan

空间设计 | 丰屋 · URO工作室设计

Interior Designer | Fenhom · URO

主创设计 | 张颖

Chief designer | Ying Zhang

设计团队 | 陈明智、薛斌、吴锦洲 、游国胜、梁晓婷

Interior Design | Mazie 、Bin Xue、Jinzhou Wu、GuoShengYou、XiaoTing Liang

业主公司 | 环球融创会展文旅集团

Client | Global Sunac Exhbition & Tourism Group

甲方团队 | 邹华彬、何利

Client Managers | HuaBIn Zou、Li He

设计面积 | 1000 ㎡

Area | 1000 ㎡

软装团队 | 引擎联合室内设计有限公司(重庆)( 民宿大堂 )、重庆于计装饰工程有限公司&上海觉饰装饰工程有限公司 (民宿客房)

Area | Chongqing engine United Interior Design Co., Ltd,YokyDesign&Shanghai Jueji Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

灯光设计 | 深圳朗晟灯光设计有限公司( 民宿大堂 )、光宴盛品灯光设计(深圳)有限公司  ( 民宿客房 )

Lighting design | LP 、G.art lighting design

摄影团队 | 榫卯建筑摄影 、不可搜索

Photography | SFAP、 404NF STUDIO

视频拍摄团队 | 花生工作室


张颖 YING ZHANG / 主创设计师



主 创 设 计 师 推 荐 案 例

成都 · 生命之源博物馆

成都 · 不语茶馆


DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例

DACCASA / 艺术与温度的交叠共生

F.G Studio / 为每个房间创造优雅的一角

DIA丹健国际 / 作品即实力

GND设计集团 / 视觉美学先行者

G&K桂睿诗 / 不失经典的优雅

   GRANDRAW观筑 / 品牌形象新定位

