这是第78篇14600英语核心词汇学习材料励志小海豚安可很喜欢听有关动物的、真实的故事。昨天晚上睡觉前,我给她讲了一个小海豚的故事。这只小海豚叫Winter,它的尾巴被一根讨厌的绳子缠断了。没有尾巴,小海豚只能摆动着身子前进,而这会损害她的脊椎。所以科学家(scientist)想出一个办法,他们给小海豚装了一条假的尾巴!(an artificial tail)大家可以从图里看到,小海豚的尾巴就像橡胶手套一样戴在它的身上。(The tail is attached to her body like a rubber glove.)
小海豚需要时间来适应它的新尾巴:It took Winter some time to get used to it. 刚开始,小海豚老是把这条尾巴甩掉,但是几个月的训练后,它就接受了这条尾巴,它的脊椎也开始好转。Winter accepted the tail, and her back started to recover.小海豚Winter对大家来说就是一个激励。Winter is an inspiration to everyone. When a group of physically challenged children came to see her, Winter swam right up to them and wiggled. “It was as if she were saying, 'look at me! I’m like you!”据说,小海豚Winter特别喜欢交新朋友,小朋友,你们想去看看她吗?如果你们想去,我告诉你们她住在哪里:Clearwater Marine Aquarium