雅思口语| 为什么我总是考5.5?
1 词汇运用不准确
你就说成I doubted that you had stolen my pencil. ( X )
其实应该说:I suspected that you had stolen my pencil. ( √ )
doubt V-T If you doubt something, you believe that it might not be true or genuine. 怀疑没做某事
suspect V-T If you suspect that something dishonest or unpleasant has been done, you believe that it has probably been done. If you suspect someone of doing an action of this kind, you believe that they probably did it. 怀疑做了某事
大家平时多看英英字典,要不然汉英字典里只会写'怀疑’, 你就傻傻分不清了。还有一种办法就是说成think,虽然简单,但是准确!
2 讲话不解释
如:I like doing outdoor activities, because it's relaxing. 怎么relaxing呢?如:I like doing outdoor activities, because it's relaxing. You know, just like running, jogging, and when you're doing an activity outside, you can not only enjoy the thing you do, but also take a deep breath of fresh air. Yeah, that's cool.
3 没有冗词
说话没有冗词就会听起来像在背,而且一听就不自然,之前有推送过相关的文章,大家可以看看哦雅思口语 冗词助你短期从5.5到7分