雅思口语 | 必考题job语料
1 hard physical labor 很苦的体力劳动
My job is washing dishes in a restaurant. It is not a very glamourous job, but I really want it. It is hard physical labor, but it teaches me the value of money. 我的工作是在餐厅洗盘子。听着并不是多么耀眼的工作,但是我真的很需要它。这是一种很苦的体力劳动,但是教会了我钱的价值
2 hands-on adj. 亲身实践的,亲自动手的。
a chance to get some hands-on experience of the job 获得一些实际工作经验的机会
·He has a very hands-on approach to management. 他采用事必躬亲的管理方式。
This hands-on management approach often stretches his workday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. 这种事必躬亲的管理方法常常使他在工作日从早晨6:00一直工作到晚上11:00。
In conclusion, I think that hands-on learning is best for me, and beneficial for my future. 总之,我认为通过亲身实践的学习最适合我,并且对我的将来会非常有益。
The postgrad learning style was more practical, with hands-on experience that helped megain a better understanding of the workings of the commercial world. 研究生的学习方式更注重实践,有亲自动手的机会,这帮助我获得了关于商业世界运行模式的更好理解。
3 a cashier at a supermarket 超市收银员
My first part-time job was as a cashier at a supermarket. I really hated it, cause I had to stand on my feet for basically eight hours a day dealing with a lot of people who don't appreciate the job that we do, so I had a lot of people yelling at me for different reasons and always misunderstaning the situations. It's not a job I would go back to. 我的第一份兼职是超市收银员。真的很讨厌了,毕竟一天要站差不多8个小时,那些人也不尊重我的工作,就对我大喊大叫的。有时候就情形也不是他们想的那样呀。反正我再也不会做这种工作了。
雅思口语新题季 | Part1::Borrowing/lending