雅思口语发音 90%中国学生易错的同形异音词

1 content
/ˈkɒntɛnt/ (书、电视节目或网站等的) 内容n.
Stricter controls were placed on the content of videos.
/kənˈtɛnt/ 满意的adj.
He says his daughter is quite content.
2 desert
/ 'dezət/ 沙漠n.
the Sahara Desert.
/dɪ'zɜːt/ 抛弃v.
Mrs. Roding's husband deserted her years ago.
3 minute
/ˈmɪnɪt/ 分钟,片刻n.
The pizza will then take about twenty minutes to cook.
Only a minute amount is needed.
Her handwriting is minute. 她的字非常小。
a minute examination of the rock 对那块岩石的仔细检查
·He explained the plan in minute detail . 他非常详细地解释了那个计划。
4 use
/juːz,juz/ 使用v.
Drop-down menus make the program very easy to use. 下拉式菜单使得这个程序使用起来非常简便。
/juːs,jus/ 用途,用处n.
Robots have many different uses in modern industry. 机器人在现代工业中有多种不同用途。
The cupboard is full of things I can never find a use for. 柜子里放满了我可能永远也用不上的东西。
5 row
/rəʊ/ 一排,一行,一列
The children were asked to stand in a row. 孩子们被要求站成一列。
/raʊ/ 〔尤指熟人之间的〕争吵,吵架n./v.
a family row 家庭争吵
·a blazing row 愤怒的争吵
He had just had a row with his wife. 他刚刚和妻子吵了一架。
What was the row about? 吵什么呀?
They rowed about money all the time. 他们总是为了钱吵架。