厄瓜多尔环境与水利部18日发表声明,当地时间17日,加拉帕戈斯群岛著名潜水和旅游打卡地“达尔文拱门(Darwin's Arch)”因为自然侵蚀坍塌。
Darwin’s Arch, a rock formation south-east of Darwin Island in the Galápagos archipelago, has collapsed due to natural erosion, Ecuador’s environment ministry said.
“达尔文拱门”坍塌前后对比 图源:卫报
“达尔文拱门”以英国著名生物学家查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)命名。这处自然景观位于加拉帕戈斯群岛的北端,距离主岛达尔文不到一公里。在坍塌前,它一直是潜水和观察如海龟、鲸鲨、蝠鲼、海豚等海洋生物的圣地之一。
The rock formation was named after the British scientist Charles Darwin. It is famous as a diving spot for underwater encounters with sea turtles, whale sharks, manta rays and dolphins.
The Galápagos islands, declared as one of the first UNESCO world heritage sites in 1978, contain flora and fauna not seen anywhere else on earth and are part of a biosphere reserve.
英国生物学家查尔斯·达尔文在1835年跟随英国皇家舰船“猎犬”号(HMS Beagle)航行至此,考察了群岛的环境和物种。
在观察到这些证据后,达尔文推测,只有“一个物种会变为另一个物种”可以解释这个现象。根据这个想法,达尔文于1937年7月画出了第一个进化树(evolutionary tree, or tree of life)。进化树是一种用于研究生物进化和物种间关系的模型和工具。
达尔文在笔记本上记录的进化树 图源:维基百科
Darwin began speculating on the possibility that 'one species does change into another' to explain these findings, and around July, he sketched a single evolutionary tree. The tree of life is a model and research tool used to explore the evolution of life and describe the relationships between organisms.
这些发现带来的灵感帮助达尔文在1859年发表了《物种起源》(On The Origin of Species)。
Darwin's book introduced the scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection. The book presented a body of evidence that the diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern of evolution.
加拉帕戈斯保护基金会的Jen Jones称,他们听到倒塌的消息很难过:
“The collapse of the arch is a reminder of how fragile our world is. While there is little that we as humans can do to stop geological processes such as erosion, we can endeavour to protect the islands’ precious marine life.”
来源:推特 卫报 维基百科