



“星~辰~大海~ ”哎?我为什么发出了语音文字?
















今天的外刊讲的是一位真正的人间百灵鸟——Taylor Swift。

选自:TIME April 12/April 19, 2021

作者:Raisa Bruner

Taylor Swift Rewrites History


If you pay close attention, you can hear it: there’ s a new lushness in the opening banjo twangs, and an extra beat when she sings the lyric “Just say yes.” But the difference between the 2008 version of Taylor Swift’ s “Love Story,” which helped propel Swift to pop stardom, and the 2021 rerelease of that same song is pretty subtle. Called “Taylor’ s Version” on streaming platforms, the new mix will soon be followed by rerecordings of Swift’ s back catalog, beginning with the rest of her album Fearless, which arrives April 9.
In all these rerecordings, the lyrics and production haven’ t changed that much: it’ s Swift’ s business that’ s shifted. Now31, Swift has gone full indie pop — as shown by her Grammy-winning turn on her recent album Folklore. But beneath those dreamy soundscapes is an artist who’ s been fighting for years now to manage the means, method of production, and distribution of her work.
Swift signed to Big Machine Records in 2005, a fresh-faced Nashville singer with a guitar and long blond hair. The contract expired in 2018 but not before she rocketed to radio-play heights with hits like “I Knew You Were Trouble” and crossed into the pop stratosphere with sold-out stadium tours over the course of six albums. When her deal was up, she switched labels to Universal’ s Republic Records. Big Machine owns the masters, or original recordings, of her first six albums, as is typical with many recording deals. In her new contract, Swift made sure to secure ownership of her future masters. Changing labels, carving out more agency, updating contract terms—these steps are par for the course for a successful artist. People change, and so do the contracts that govern them.
But Swift’ s Behind-the-Scenes moves became front-page news when Big Machine sold to private-equity group Ithaca Holdings, an entity owned by powerhouse music manager Scooter Braun. He then sold her masters to another company, Shamrock Holdings, for a reported $300million in 2019. On a business level, Braun’ s move was smart: Swift’ s master recordings reap profits whenever the songs are streamed or bought. On the personal front, it was contentious: Swift claims Braun, who manages stars like Kanye West and Justin Bieber, has repeatedly bullied her, and so she slammed the sale publicly and promised to rerecord those original six albums, this time with the masters under her own control. Anyone who hits play on an old version of Swift’ s early songs right now will still pay into the bank of Braun. But her hope, it seems, is to override those archival works with these new versions. “Artists should own their own work for so many reasons,” she wrote in a March 2021 Instagram post. “But the most screamingly obvious one is that the artist is the only one who really knows that body of work.”
Every musician is a business, a startup with limited equity to portion out to labels, publishers and other stakeholders. Greater equity was the central consideration of Swift’ s label change—along with greater certainty that all who contributed to making the art itself would benefit from their work. “There was one condition that meant more to me than any other deal point,” she wrote at the time: ensuring that profits from the future sale of Spotify shares would be returned to artists.
That this financial nitty-gritty is what excited Swift most might seem at odds with her image as a singer-songwriter who performs on sets that look like a cottage in a fairy-tale forest. But that persona hides Swift’ s savvy: she’ s long understood that artists, even those with brands as powerful as hers, are vulnerable to exploitation.



If you pay close attention, you can hear it: there’ s a new lushness in the opening banjo twangs, and an extra beat when she sings the lyric “Just say yes.” But the difference between the 2008 version of Taylor Swift’ s “Love Story,” which helped propel Swift to pop stardom, and the 2021 re-release of that same song is pretty subtle. Called “Taylor’ s Version” on streaming platforms, the new mix will soon be followed by re-recordings of Swift’ s back catalog, beginning with the rest of her album Fearless, which arrives April 9.

如果你仔细听,就能听到:开头的班卓琴音中有一种新的活力,而且当她唱到“Just say yes.”时,又多了一拍。2008年版的 Love Story 帮助斯威夫特成为流行歌手,但是这首歌与2021年再次发行的同一首歌重置版之间有非常微妙区别。这首新混音在流媒体平台上被称为“泰勒版”,之后将会和其他歌一起录制到重置版《Fearless (Taylor's Version)》,于4月9日发行。

In all these re-recordings, the lyrics and production haven’ t changed that much: it’ s Swift’ s business that’ s shifted. Now 31, Swift has gone full indie pop — as shown by her Grammy-winning turn on her recent album Folklore. But beneath those dreamy soundscapes is an artist who’ s been fighting for years now to manage the means, method of production, and distribution of her work.


  • Lushness 繁茂;活力

lush adj.苍翠繁茂的,多青草的,丰富的
所以lushness 作为名词是繁茂的意思,在文中可引申为活力。
  • banjo twangs 班卓琴声

Banjo [ˈbændʒəʊ] n. 班卓琴;五弦琴
班卓琴是吉他族乐器成员之一。据传,班卓琴起源于西非,在17 世纪奴隶买卖盛行的时代,黑奴把它引进新大陆。
Twang [twæŋ] n. 弦声
  • But the difference between the 2008 version of Taylor Swift’ s “Love Story,” which helped propel Swift to pop stardom, and the 2021 re-release of that same song is pretty subtle.  【长句分析】

这个句子挺长的,但是越长的句子其实结构越清晰。主谓宾提炼出来就是:the difference is pretty subtle. 区别很微妙。谁和谁之间的区别呢,the 2008 versionthe 2021 re-release of that same song, 2008年的版本和2021年同一首歌的重置版本之间的区别。中间还有一个which 引导的定语从句 which helped propel Swift to pop stardom,修饰 “Love Story”,即这首歌帮助斯威夫特成为流行乐歌手。
整句的参考翻译就是:2008年版的 Love Story 帮助斯威夫特成为流行歌手,但是这首歌与2021年再次发行的同一首歌重置版之间有非常微妙区别。
  • Subtle [ˈsʌtl] adj. 微妙的,不易察觉的

The greatest and most subtle challenge for a place like Lichfield is the preservation of niceness. (ECONOMIST: Why the old are moving inland
  • Grammy-winning 获得格莱美奖

Grammy Awards 格莱美奖
  • fight for 为…而战,而奋斗


Swift signed to Big Machine Records in 2005, a fresh-faced Nashville singer with a guitar and long blond hair. The contract expired in 2018 but not before she rocketed to radio-play heights with hits like “I Knew You Were Trouble” and crossed into the pop stratosphere with sold-out stadium tours over the course of six albums. When her deal was up, she switched labels to Universal’ s Republic Records. Big Machine owns the masters, or original recordings, of her first six albums, as is typical with many recording deals. In her new contract, Swift made sure to secure ownership of her future masters. Changing labels, carving outmore agency, updating contract terms—these steps are par for the course for a successful artist. People change, and so do the contracts that govern them.

2005年,斯威夫特签约了大机器唱片公司,这位年轻的纳什维尔歌手手拿吉他,留着金色长发。2018年合约到期,但在此之前,她凭借《I Knew You Were Trouble》等热门单曲在电台播放中飙升,并凭借六张专辑的体育场巡演门票售罄,跻身流行音乐的巅峰。合约结束后,她转投环球唱片公司的共和唱片公司。大机器唱片公司拥有她前六张专辑的母版或原始唱片,这在许多唱片交易合约中是很常见的。在她的新合同中,斯威夫特确保了她对未来母版唱片的所有权。更换唱片公司,开拓更多的代理人,更新合同条款——这些步骤对一个成功的艺术家来说都是意料之中的事情。人会变,约束人的合同也会变。

  • Blond [blɒnd] adj. 金发的 

  • rocket to 飙升到,急速上升至 

rocket to the stratosphere 声名大噪
  • Hit n. (唱片、电影、戏剧的)巨大成功 

big hit 热门;非常成功
  • carve out 开拓,雕刻 

carve 本身是切开,雕刻的意思,carve out 有一种凭自身努力获得的感觉,可译为开拓,创业。
Carve out a way 开路;杀出一条血路
Carve out a career 自己开辟前途
  • Par [pɑː(r)] n. 标准 

at par 按面值计算
par value 票面值
above par 超过票面价值
on a par with 与……同样
up to par 达到标准

But Swift’ s Behind-the-Scenes moves became front-page news when Big Machine sold to private-equity group Ithaca Holdings, an entity owned by powerhouse music manager Scooter Braun. He then sold her masters to another company, Shamrock Holdings, for a reported $300million in 2019. On a business level, Braun’ s move was smart: Swift’ s master recordings reap profits whenever the songs are streamed or bought. On the personal front, it was contentious: Swift claims Braun, who manages stars like Kanye West and Justin Bieber, has repeatedly bullied her, and so she slammed the sale publicly and promised to rerecord those original six albums, this time with the masters under her own control. Anyone who hits play on an old version of Swift’ s early songs right now will still pay into the bank of Braun. But her hope, it seems, is to override those archival works with these new versions. “Artists should own their own work for so many reasons,” she wrote in a March 2021 Instagram post. “But the most screamingly obvious one is that the artist is the only one who really knows that body of work.”


  • front-page news 头条新闻

头条新闻还可以是 headline news 或者 top news
  • On a business level, ... On the personal front, ... 在商业层面上,……在个人方面,…… 【写作推荐】

  • Slam [slæm] 

v. 本身是个拟声词,模仿关门或摔门的声音,意思是砰地关上,后引申为猛烈抨击
grand slam 大满贯;满垒时的全垒打
slam the door 关门;拒绝
  • hit v. 点击

上一段里 hit 作为名词是成功的意思,在这一段,hit 作为动词,译为:点击
hits play on an old version 点击播放旧版本
  • override [ˌəʊvəˈraɪd] vt. 推翻,无视

over-, 在上,超过,ride, 骑。即骑在上面的,凌驾于之上的。后来用于指否决,推翻。
文中 override those archival works with these new versions 用新版本推翻旧版本,即用新版本取代旧版本。

Every musician is a business, a startup with limited equity to portion out to labels, publishers and other stakeholders. Greater equity was the central consideration of Swift’ s label change—along with greater certainty that all who contributed to making the art itself would benefit from their work. “There was one condition that meant more to me than any other deal point,” she wrote at the time: ensuring that profits from the future sale of Spotify shares would be returned to artists.


That this financial nitty-gritty is what excited Swift most might seem at odds with her image as a singer-songwriter who performs on sets that look like a cottage in a fairy-tale forest. But that persona hides Swift’ s savvy: she’ s long understood that artists, even those with brands as powerful as hers, are vulnerable to exploitation.


  • portion out 分配

portion out food 分配食物
portion something out 把某物分成若干份
  • nitty-gritty ['niti'ɡriti] n. (非正式)事实真相,本质;重要细节

英文释义:Basic facts,美式英语,据说曾经主要由黑人爵士乐手使用。
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, just briefly explain what the World Bank does. (NPR: World Bank Changes, Understanding Unemployment
  • Be at odds with 与……不合;与……不一致;相左

It is that our brains will often be at odds with our increasingly precise digital tools. (FORBES: Computing Desire
  • Persona [pəˈsəʊnə] n. 人,人物,角色,人格面具,外表印象

persona non grata 不受欢迎的人
persona grata 受欢迎的人
In the anonymous chat rooms, he felt free to adopt a persona repugnant to society. (NEWYORKER: The Science of Sex Abuse
Person n. 人,个人
Personal adj. 个人的,私人的,亲自的
Personally adv. 亲自地;就自己而言
Personality n. 人格,个性
Personage n. 要人
Personnel n. 人事部门;全体人员
  • Savvy [ˈsævi] 

n. 理解能力,机智,悟性 文中是名词,引申为精明
作动词是“理解,领悟”,电影《加勒比海盗》中杰克船长口头禅。源于西班牙语sabe(usted), you know, 你明白吗。该词是加勒比混杂英语。
Savvy newspaper owners will tap neighboring communities--even ones with newspapers of their own--for ads. (FORBES: Magazine Article






