
Nicolae Vermont
罗马尼亚, (1866-1932)

尼古拉·佛蒙特(Nicolae Vermont,1866-1932)是罗马尼亚现实主义者的绘画大师之一,也是当时最有趣的画家,壁画家和平面艺术家之一,许多人都将他视为斯特凡·卢奇安的助手。他是一位多产且出奇的创新艺术家,拥有坚强的原始风格和举止,并且题材广泛,但他更喜欢风景和静物。

Departure Towards the Open Sea (1893)

Summer Day (1895)

Dreaming (1896)

Halt (1898)

Slavic Souls (“Crime and Punishment”) (1900)

A Walk Through Sinaia Forest (1902)

Birch Wood (1902)

Închinarea p?storilor, cu motivele satului românesc (1903)

Peasant Woman with Flowers (1905)

Constan?a Promenade (1910)

Gypsy Women Talking (1910)

In Front of the Easel (1910)

Sewer (1911)

At the Market (1912)

On the Seashore (1913)

The Spy (1914)

Inn (1915)

A Walk Through the Park (1915)

Roses (1915)

Flower Girl (1917)

Gypsy Woman (Study) (1918)

The Way Home (1919)

Reading (1919)

Gipsy Woman in the Veranda (1920)

Turkeys in Vlaici (1921)

Fisherman Village in Brittany (1923)

Noon in the Village (1923)