载营魄抱一,能无离乎?专气致柔,能婴儿乎?涤除玄览(lǎn),能无疵乎?爱国治民,能无知(zhī)乎?天门开阖(hé),能为雌乎?明白四达,能无为乎?生之,畜(chù)之。生而不有,为而不恃,长(zhǎng)而不宰,是谓玄德。二,经文释义(人)承载身体与精神而合为一体,形神能不分离吗——行为和思想能统一吗?专注之气可塑性极强,能如婴儿一般纯洁无染吗?洁净内心观察事物,能不犯错吗?归顺的邦国和安分的民众,能没有美、好的认知吗——能不生叛乱吗?天子之门开开合合——帝王行使权力,能恪守柔弱之道吗?世事洞明、无所不知(的人),能针对整体之起源作为吗?生成之,约束之。(能)生产而不占有,作为而不倚仗,统领而不主宰(的人),可以称之为大德。三,英译People carry the body and spirit and make them one, can the body and spirit not be separated from each other? That is, can behavior and thought be unified?Concentration is highly malleable, can it be as pure as a baby?The heart is cleaned up to observe things, can it not make mistakes?Can the submissive states and easy people have no consciousness of beauty and good? That is, can they have no rebellion?The door of the Imperial Palace opens and closes, that is, the emperor exercises power, can he abide by the principle of weakness?Can enlightened and omniscient people act on the origin of the entirety?Create it and restrict it.People who can produce but not hold, act but not rely on, command but not dominate can be called the Great Virtue.《道德经》第一章 缘起:道是可以被说道的,但非寻常之道;主要内容:整体论《道德经》第二章 美、好意识为一切社会问题之根源,占有为一切社会问题之主体《道德经》第三章 社会治理之三大措施:不标榜、崇尚任何才能,不哄抬难得之物的价格,不呈现、宣扬任何声色情欲《道德经》第四章 道之主体:涌而旋,为万物之变化规律;道之起源:没有起源但为万物之源《道德经》第五章 处事的基本原则统一不变——坚守中轴关键《道德经》第六章 万物相互关联而整体存在《道德经》第七章 无私《道德经》第八章 善于利用万物而不与之相抗冲突《道德经》第九章 功成则需身退