




Perseverance in fact becomes a requirement for success in preparation for the National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates.
This courageous attitude in fact becomes a requirement for the performers of Beethoven's music. He was not interested in daily politics, but concerned with questions of moral behavior and the larger questions of right and wrong affecting the entire society.
A workforce that that’s built on flexibility and experimentation sounds ideal. People could work a job for as long as they need. They could parcel out their labor into a traditional nine-to-five, or work a few hours, leaving themselves time to do with as they see fit.
1. 首句中容易困惑的点是“that that’s”, 其实此处写作者只是为了强调而已,当你无法掌控一个句子的成分时,记得把重点放在整个句子的理解上即可。首句主干为“主系表”,即:A workforce/ … /sounds/ ideal, 其中sound 为系动词,表“听起来……”
2. 二句主干为主谓宾结构,People /could work/ a job …
3. 三句的主语为They; 有两个谓语动词用or连接,分别为could parcel out 和work。前半部分为谓宾宾补结构,They /could parcel out/ their labor /into a traditional nine-to-five;后半部分为主谓结构,(they) work a few hours; 最后的leaving themselves time to do with as they see fit为结果状语从句。
4. as they see fit 中的as 表“正如、就像”之意。
workforce 劳动力;
flexibility 柔度; 灵活性; 可塑度
experimentation 实验法; 实验,试验
as long as 只要; 如果; 既然; 由于
parcel out 把…分成小部分
do with 处理; 需要; 读完; 与…相处
A workforce that that’s built on flexibility and experimentation sounds ideal. People could work a job for as long as they need. They could parcel out their labor into a traditional nine-to-five, or work a few hours, leaving themselves time to do with as they see fit.
Flexible work could help tackle questions of how best to keep parents of young children, adult children of aging parents, and seniors in the workforce in a sustainable way. But while some American jobs have moved toward a system that allows workers and companies greater latitude, the policies at work in the American economy have remained decidedly rigid.


