艺术的伟大意义,基本上在于它能显示人的真正感情、内心生活的奥秘和热情的世界。—— 罗曼·罗兰
Mark Spain,英國當代藝術家。畢業於Medway藝術學院。作為一名精力充沛、富有創造力的藝術家,他不斷的嘗試不同的題材和技巧,從傳統的風景到炫目的抽象畫,創造出令人驚訝的作品。2000年Mark加盟Washington Green后,他的作品幾乎在全歐洲的畫廊展覽並擁有眾多的私人收藏者。Mark認為肖像畫最具挑戰性,他的肖像畫注重於情感和氛圍的表達,他相信作品必須擁有自己的生命。
Dance is an art of human movement. However, this human body action must be refined, organized and beautified - dancing human body action. In addition, there are many kinds of art that belong to the category of human movement, such as acrobatics, pantomime, human sculpture, rhythmic gymnastics and so on.
Therefore, dance is different from other human body movement art in the following aspects: it takes dance movement as the main means of artistic expression, focuses on the expression of people's inner deep spiritual world which is difficult to be seen by language or other means of artistic expression -- delicate emotion, profound thought, distinctive character, and the relationship between human and nature, human and society The conflicts between people and within people themselves,
The vivid dance image can be perceived by people to express the aesthetic emotion and ideal of the dancer (choreographer and dancer), and reflect the aesthetic attribute of life. In addition, because of the characteristics of the movement of human body, it must exist in a certain space (stage or square) and a certain time;
In dance activities, there are usually music accompaniments, and special clothes and some dance must hold various props. If it is performed on stage, lighting and setting are indispensable. Therefore, it can be said that dance is a kind of space, time and comprehensive dynamic modeling art.