我是Wind, 原生活大爆炸和神探夏洛克字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写60秒美剧, 已经坚持快1年了. 每天60秒, 直接啃生肉~
网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~
1 -What’s going on? (…不知道Rachel说了什么)
2 So, it’s a typical day at work. I’m inputting my numbers, and Big Al calls me into his office, and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor.
这是普普通通的一天. 我正在上班, 向电脑里输入一些数字, Al叫我去他的办公室, 告诉我他要让我做数据处理主管
3 - That is great! -Oh my god - Congratulations.
-那很棒! -我的天 -恭喜!
4 -So…I quit. -Why?
-所以…我辞职了 -为什么?
5 Why? This was supposed to be a temp job.
为什么? 这本来是一份临时工作
6 Yeah, Chandler…you’ve been there for five years.
7 If I took this promotion, it would be like admitting that this is what I actually do.
如果我接受了这个升职, 那就好像是承认这个真的是我的工作
8 So was it a lot more money?
9 Doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to be one of those guys that’s in his office until 12 o’clock at night worrying about the WENUS.
那不重要. 我不想成为那种半夜12点还在办公室担心WENUS的家伙
10 “The…the WENUS”?
11 “Weekly Estimated Net Usage Systems.” It’s a processing term.
每周的净使用系统预估. 这是一个数据处理的术语
12 Oh, that WENUS.
哦, 是那个WENUS呀
Doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to be one of those guys that’s in his office until 12 o’clock at night worrying about the WENUS.
那不重要. 我不想成为那种半夜12点还在办公室担心WENUS的家伙
that’s in his office这一句是群里讨论争议较大的
有童鞋说是one of those guys sit in his office
有人说是one of those guys that sit in his office
首先, 不论哪个版本, 大家基本上意思都听懂了, 这是最重要的
其次, 单从语法上而言, 下边这几个版本都是正确的
one of those guys sitting in his office
one of those guys that/who sits in his office
one of those guys that/who is in his office
注意这里上下句都是一般现在时, 所以如果你写成了one of those guys that sit in his office, 你把sit写成过去时了, 这是不对的
而如果你写的是one of those guys sit in his office, 你的从句中缺主语了
举个例子, He’s a guy that/who likes to read, 如果说成He’s a guy likes to read的话, 从句中就缺主语了
虽然从语法上有多个正确的版本, 但是这里原文说的是one of those guys that’s in his office
wiener= /ˈwinər/ 一种香肠, 俚语中指男性的penis