

To understand why a restaurant charged me €100 for a plate of percebes – tube-shaped, gooseneck barnacles known in Portugal as 'Lucifer’s fingers’ – I spent a day with the brave men who risk life and limb to harvest them from the country’s most south-western coastline, the Costa Vicentina.


Likened to the devil’s digits because of their thick, finger-like trunks and diamond-shaped 'feet’ that are eerily similar to claws, percebes can only grow and multiply on rocks in the ocean intertidal zone (the area between the high and low water mark), where crashing waves feed them with plankton.

它们因为肥厚的像手指一般的 呼吸管和钻石型的像狗爪一样的“脚”而被比喻为恶魔的手指,狗爪螺只能在潮间带(涨潮和落潮水位相间的地带)生长繁殖,靠潮水带来的浮游生物为食。

They cannot be farmed, and the rough sea makes it notoriously dangerous for divers to harvest them.

它们不能人工饲养,狂野的海潮让它们的采集变得尤为危险 。

While gooseneck barnacles can be found in other parts of the world such as Canada, they are considered a rare delicacy in Spain and Portugal.


Because of the culinary and monetary riches these filter-feeding 'truffles of the sea’ (as they are sometimes called locally) offer at market, divers make the most of any bout of milder weather to hunt for them.
“Even a bad day on the sea is better than a good day in the office,” said Fernando Damas (pictured), a percebes diver who quit his lucrative career as an industrial designer 19 years ago to dive for percebes full time.


“The ocean is full of wonderful surprises.”


João Rosário, a commercial diver explains that, “When you dive for percebes and you turn your back on the unpredictability of the ocean, you will most likely be injured or killed,” he said.


“There are many cases of divers being knocked unconscious and drowning. The 'lucky ones’ get away with breaking an arm or leg or suffering abrasions where the rocks cut through their wetsuits.”


There’s an overwhelming consensus among the Portuguese that there’s only one way to cook percebes properly: in boiling salted water for no longer than it takes to say the Lord’s Prayer.


“Even if you pray slowly, it should never take more than a minute,” said Adriano Lemes, Marisqueira Azul’s chef.


“Then spoon it onto ice to terminate the cooking process. Don’t add any spices and especially not any sauce,” he stressed.


And don’t dare mention the fact that British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay once served percebes in a creamy sauce.


The locals within earshot will throw their arms in the air and shout out sayings such as 'falando como um verdadeiro idiota’, which is loosely translated as, “what an idiot!”



