雅思口语Part2 礼貌的场合
>>> I have a crush on the girl who is not only gorgeous, but genuinely polite. I'd say, she has impeccable manners really, like for example, keeping an eye contact with others, or lowering her voice down in a public area or whatnot. 我有点暗恋那个女生。她不仅极为漂亮,还特别礼貌。甚至可以说她的行为举止无可挑剔呢。比如说,她会和人保持眼神接触,在公共场合降低声音什么的。
>>> It's this girl who is genuinely polite, because she never cuts in others' talk and she always listens to others carefully. More importantly, she even nods her head from time to time when she gets some main points. 是这个女生她相当礼貌,因为她从来不插嘴,并且很仔细听别人说话。更重要的是,当她听到一些要点的时候她会时不时地点头。
>>> Whenever you hit a public area, especially a library, it's better to lower your voice down, so that others would not be disturbed. 每次去公共场合的时候,尤其是图书馆,都建议降低声音,这样就不太会打扰别人。
>>> If you doesn't keep an eye contact with others over a talk, you will be regarded as an impolite person. 如果和人说话的时候不保持眼神交流,你会被人认为不礼貌的。
>>> It's kind of rude to remark upon a girl's appearance. 对女生的外貌评头论足是挺粗鲁的。