雅思口语| Part2: A time you were scared by an animal 被动物吓到的经历
1 bark at me 对我狂吼
The dog barked at me. 这只狗开始对我狂吼。
2 beat very fast 跳得很快
My heart was starting to beat very fast.我的心开始狂跳。
3 grip one's hands together very tightly 双手紧紧地攥在一起
I broke into a run, gripping my hands together very tightly. 我开始跑起来,双手紧紧地攥在一起。
4 glare at 怒视
When I found the dog had been glaring at me, I couldn't help shuddering. It made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck,当我发现这只狗怒视我的时候,我忍不住哆嗦了一下。这使我脖子后面的汗毛根根竖起.
5 let out a squeal 发出一声尖叫
That's a mean-looking dog. I just let out a squeal. I dunno if you can imagine it or not. 那狗看上去很凶啊。 我发出了一声尖叫。不知道你能不能想象到。
6 shut the door with a snap 用力关上了门
Then I shut the door with a snap.然后我用力关上了门。
7 scratch at the door 用爪子抓挠门
It started howling, scratching at the closed door.它狂吠起来,用爪子抓挠着紧闭的房门