








  1.直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that 引导。例如:

  She said, "I am very happy to help you."→She said that she was very happy to help you.

  2. 直接引语是一般(选择/反意)疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether或if 引导。例如:

  He asked me, "Do you like playing football?"→He asked me if/whether I liked playing football.

  注意:大多数情况下,if和whether 可以互换,但后有or not,或在动词不定式前,或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只用whether。例如:

  She asked me whether he could do it or not.

  He hesitated about whether to drive or take the train.

  3. 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,由相应的疑问词who, whom, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导。例如:

  My sister asked me, "How do you like the film?"→My sister asked me how I liked the film.

  4. 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order 等的宾语。例如:

  The captain ordered, "Be quiet."→The captain ordered us to be quiet.


  My teacher asked me, "Don't laugh."→My teacher asked me not to laugh.



  The teacher said "The earth goes round the sun."

  →The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.


  He said to me, "I was born in 1973."

  →He told me that he was born in 1973.


  He said, "I'm a boy, not a girl."

  →He said that he is a boy ,not a girl.



  The girl said, "I get up at six every morning."

  →The girl said that she gets up at six every morning.

  (5)如果直接引语中含有since, when, while 引导的表示过去时间的状语从句,


  He said to me, "I have taught English since he came here ."

  →He told me that he had taught English since he came here.

  (6)如果直接引语中含有情态动词 must, need, had better以及情态动词的过去式could, might, should, would,


  The teacher said to me . "You must pay more attention to your pronunciation."

  →The teacher told me that I must (have to ) pay more attention to my pronunciation.

  He said , "I could swim when I was only six ."

  →He said that he could swim when he was only six.


  He asked Lucy, "Where did you go?"→He asked Lucy where she went.

  Tom said, "What do you want, Ann?"→Tom asked Ann what she wanted.




  若直接引语引号里的内容是陈述句,那么改为间接时,要用连词 that (可以省略)

  ……………….一般疑问句,…….,要用连词 if/whether (不可以省略)

  ……………….特殊疑问句,…….,要用连词 wh- 即特殊疑问词本身(不可省)



  一般说来,主句谓语动词常为said或said to,变为间接引语时,当直接引语是陈述句时,said不变。

  当直接引语是一般疑问句和特殊疑问句时,则要把said或said to变为asked / asked sb.






  ①They said, “We will go there by bus.” →They said they would go there by bus.

  ②She said to me, “Are you interested in science?” →She asked me if I was interested in science.

  ③His mother said to me, “He can't go to school.” →His mother told me that he couldn't go to school.


  a. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,从句的时态则应是与主句时态相应的过去时态。







  The girl said, “I'm sorry for being late for class.” →The girl said that she was sorry for being late for class.

  b. 直接引语变为间接引语时,如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或一般将来时,则间接引语从句的时态保持不变。例如:

  He says, “I have finished my homework.” →He says that he has finished his homework.

  She will say, “I'll do it tomorrow.” →She will say that she'll do it the next day.

  c. 直接引语如果是客观事实或真理,变为间接引语时,从句时态不变。例如:

  The teacher said, “The earth moves around the sun.” →The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.


  直接引语变为间接引语时,指示代词的变化为this→that, these→those等;

  时间状语的变化为now→then, today→that day, yesterday→the day before, tomorrow→the next day等;

  地点状语的变化为here→there;动词的变化为come→go(go 不要变come)。例如:

  1. She said, “I will come this evening.” →She said that she would go that evening.

  2. He said, “My sister was here three days ago, but she is not here now.” →He said that his sister had been there three days before, but she was not there then.

  B.表示请求或祈使的句子改为句型tell/ask/order sb (not) to do sth

  当直接引语引号里的内容表示要求时用tell sb (not) to do sth

  当直接引语引号里的内容表示请求时用ask sb (not) to do sth

  当直接引语引号里的内容表示强制要求时用order sb (not) to do sth



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