雅思口语| 5-8月Part1考题:Teacher8分语料

1 take the roll call 点名

The teacher takes the roll call before every calss. 这个老师每次上课之前都会点名。

2 prowl /praʊl/up and down the rows of desks 在课桌之前来回走动着

The teacher often prowls up and down the rows of desks to examine our notes. 这老师常常在课桌之前来回走动,以检查我们的笔记。

3 take this class in hand 管管这个班

It is time somebody took this class in hand.应该有人管管这个班了。

4 burst into a furious tirade about sb. 义愤填膺地怒骂起来

We left the room with the rest of the class, who waited until we were well out of earshot, then burst into a furious tirade /taɪ'reɪd; tɪ-/ about the teacher.我们与班上其他同学一起离开了教室,大家一走到老师听不到的地方,便义愤填膺地怒骂起他来。

sidelong looks  向旁边看

With many bitter sidelong looks and some sullen muttering, the class opened their books.全班许多人痛苦地偷着交换眼色,有些人阴郁地叽咕着,大家打开了书本。

6 summon sb. into one's office 叫某人到办公室去

To cap it all, the teacher  summoned me into her office,最要命的是,老师把我到叫她办公室里去。

7 good-naturedly 和蔼可亲地adv.

The teacher peered good-naturedly up at us all.洛哈持和蔼可亲地抬头望着我们。


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