雅思口语新题季 jewelry
>>> The pair of earrings are artistically-designed, which really take my fancy. 这幅耳环设计很有艺术感,我真的很喜欢。
>>> The necklace is swan-patterned, which is really my cup of tea. 这项链是天鹅图案的,它真的是我的菜呢。
>>> My ring and earrings go well with the trendy dress. 我的戒指还有耳环和这条时尚的裙子很搭。
>>> The engagement ring cost me an arm and a leg, but my would-be wife really had a fancy for it at that time. 这订婚戒指贼贵了,但当时我未来的妻子特别喜欢它。
>>> The girl was really fascinated by the purplish pink diamond ring, which cost me an arm and a leg. 这女孩很喜欢这个紫粉红色的钻石戒指。这戒指还花了我很多钱呢。

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