



The worst thing that happened to me in September last year was the fact that, suddenly, I could not urinate. (小便)


One morning, my father and I called a taxi to take Anke to school, and when we returned the weather was agreeable(天气很好) so, we decided to walk home. Unfortunately, when we were halfway home, I needed to go to the loo(去厕所); since there was no toilet to be found I had to hold on and try to control myself.(憋着) When I arrived home, I could not urinate properly but luckily, I was able to urinate to a certain degree.


But several hours later, I could not urinate again! I messaged a friend and she told me to have a hot bath, which I had already taken before I messaged her. Then she told me that I needed to go to A&E(急诊室) to get a catheter. (导尿管)

但几个小时候,我又不能小便了!我给一个朋友发信息,她告诉我冲个热水澡,但是我给她短信前,就已经冲过热水澡了。然后她告诉我,我得去A&E(accident and emergency的缩写)插个导尿管。

I followed her advice and went to the Watford A&E. At that time, I felt extremely uncomfortable but the emergency room was busy and I was told to wait. I waited and waited, and I was about to explode because I was so frustrated!But I was still told to wait for a while because all the doctors were busy.


At last, I was called in to have a catheter inserted. The nurse who helped me was an angel!!! I could say nothing but “Thank you sooooo much!”


I was told that I would have to have the catheter in for at least 4 weeks. And 1 month later, something strange happened. I felt like I was able to urinate even with a catheter in! So, I went to A&E again. I asked the nurse to remove (取出)the catheter because it made me very uncomfortable at that time.

The nurse removed the catheter and asked me to drink water so she was able to check if I was able to urinate properly.

After several tests, she told me that she had to put back a new catheter for me because I still wasn’t able to urinate properly. She showed me the equipment(设备), demonstrating(显示) that there was still urine inside my bladder. (膀胱)After she put back the catheter, I felt that something was wrong and I told her to remove it immediately.


Then a doctor came to me and apologized for not taking my pregnancy into consideration. (take… into consideration把…考虑在内)She said that she had asked a very experienced(有经验的) doctor and the doctor told her that, for a pregnant woman, this kind of situation was normal.


Thank God! After 8 hours, I was able to go home! 8 hours in the emergency room. Can you believe that? Because I was in the emergency room for over 8 hours, I was asked to do a COVID-19 test. The doctor told me she was planning to admit me that night. I am glad that she had asked the experienced doctor and that they had been able to

resolve the problem(解决问题).


From that day on, I could urinate properly.


This was the worst thing that happened to me in the last few months.



