
Deep in the Pacific Ocean, an underwater "superhighway" stretches roughly 700 kilometers (430 miles) between the marine reserves of Ecuador's Galapagos Islands and Cocos Island, off the coast of Costa Rica.

在太平洋深处,一条水下“高速公路”绵延约700公里(430英里),位于厄瓜多尔加拉帕戈斯群岛的海洋保护区和哥斯达黎加海岸外的科科斯岛之间 。

It's vital to the sea life -- including sea turtles, whale sharks and hammerhead sharks -- that moves back and forth between the islands, looking for a place to nest or foraging for food.

它对海洋生物至关重要,包括海龟、鲸鲨和锤头鲨,它们在岛屿之间来回移动,寻找筑巢或觅食的地方 。

But the route can be dangerous.


Unlike the marine reserves at each end, the swimway is open to fishing vessels.


Data shows that populations of migratory species, many of which are already endangered, are declining.

数据显示,许多已经濒临灭绝的迁徙物种的数量正在下降 。

Protecting biodiversity hotspots around the islands is not enough, says Alex Hearn, biology professor and founding member of MigraMar, a coalition of scientists and environmental groups.

生物学教授、迁徙者创始成员亚历克斯·赫恩说,仅保护岛屿周围的生物多样性热点是不够的,迁徙者是一个由科学家和环境组织组成的联盟 。

His team is campaigning for the entire swimway to be protected -- an area that would stretch over 240,000 square kilometres (93,000 square miles) of ocean, about the size of the United Kingdom.


This would extend fishing restrictions beyond the current 22-kilometer radius around Cocos Island and the 74-kilometer radius around the Galapagos islands, creating a narrow protected channel between the two that follows a chain of seamounts, underwater mountains that rise from the sea floor.


Like landmarks for the ocean, the seamounts are vital for navigation.

就像海洋的地标一样,海底山脉对导航是至关重要  的。

Made from lava, they emit magnetic signals, which some species, such as hammerhead sharks and sea turtles, rely on to locate themselves, explains Hearn.

赫恩解释说,它们是由熔岩形成的,会发出磁场信号,一些物种,如锤头鲨和海龟,依靠磁场信号来确定自己的位置 。

He says these act as "stepping stones," providing places for sea creatures to feed and rest during migration.


For more than a decade, MigraMar's network of scientists have been trying to prove the importance of the swimway by documenting the species that use it.


They have placed satellite and ultrasonic tags on almost 400 marine organisms to track their migratory routes.


So far, they have successfully tracked the migration of whale sharks, hammerhead sharks, silky sharks, leatherback turtles and green turtles between the two islands.


