《The best thing in the world》
Sight Words 就是英文常用词的意思,除了自然拼读法,Sight Words是英语阅读的重要“拐杖”。几乎所有英语为母语的学校里都会专门教孩子学习这些常用词。这些词在英语教科书,图书,报章,杂志中的出现率为60-85%。一篇包含了220个常见词sight words的文章《The best thing in the world》一个外国人自己写的,将美国学者Dolch列出的220个常见词全部编写在了一篇文章里,并且更厉害的是,他按照Dolch的分类将220个常见词用不同颜色标注了出来。黄色是Pre-primer级,共40个单词,也就是启蒙前的单词天蓝色是primer级,共52个单词,也就是启蒙单词灰色是一级单词,41个绿色是2级单词,46个紫红色是3级单词 41个

The best thing in theworldOnce upon a time, therewere four brothers who lived in a far away land.曾经,有四兄弟住在一个遥远的国土上。Their father was an oldking.他们的父亲大人是一个老国王。One day he said, "Iwill not live long now. Today you must start out into the world. In a year,bring back the best thing you have found. The one who can pick the best thingshall be the new king."一天老国王说:“我不可能长命百岁,现在开始你们必须要开始闯天涯。一年内,把你们发现的最好的东西带回来。谁能把最好的东西带回来,谁就是新国王。”The first brother said,"I will look in every city or town. I will buy the best thing I can for myfather."大兄弟说:“我会巡遍每一个城市乡镇。我会把最好的东西买回来献给我的父亲大人。”The next two brotherssaid, "We will both go on fast ships over the sea. We will find somethingbetter."二兄弟和三兄弟说:“我们俩会登上海上快速的舰艇,我们会找到更好的东西。”The last brother said,"I am going to ask the people here in our own land to tell me the bestthing."小兄弟说:“我会询问我们国家的子民(什么是)最好的东西。”The other three brothersbegan to laugh. "Then you will never be king!" They said.其他三个兄弟开始哈哈大笑,嘲笑他说:“你是不会成为国王的。”

The last brother started off.小王子启程了。When he had gone about sixmiles, he met a man. "What do you carry in those big bags?" he asked.当他出发了六英里,他遇到了一个男人,他问道:“你的那些大袋子里装了什么啊?”"The best thing inthe world," said the man. "These are full of the good nuts which fallfrom my five nut trees."“是世界上最好的东西”,男人回答,“这些袋子里装满了饱满的坚果,都是从我的五棵坚果树上掉下来的。”"I don't think thatwould work," said the brother to himself, "I must try again."“我觉得那还不是世界上最好的东西”他自言自语,“我必须再试一次。”The brother went onanother seven miles. He found a small brown bird.小儿子又走了七英里。他发现了一只棕色的小鸟。It had been hurt, so heput it in his coat where it could keep warm.它受伤了,于是他把鸟儿放在他的外套里,那儿可以给他取暖。As he went on, he saw alittle girl crying.正当他在走着,他看到了一个小女孩在哭泣。He ran to meet her."Why are you crying?" he asked.他走到她面前,问道“你为什么哭啊?”"I want to get somewater from the well," she said. "We use so much. We drink cold water.We wash the clothes clean with hot water.“我想从井里打水,”她说.“我们用了太多水。我们喝冷水,用热水洗衣服。

But I do not know how topull it up. Please show me."“但是我不知道怎么把水提上来,请帮帮我。”The brother said,” Holdthis bird and I will help you. It does not fly around any more because it gotits wing cut."小王子说:“我可以帮你,你帮我拿一下这只小鸟。它不会飞,因为它的翅膀受伤了。”"Thank you. What apretty bird!" she said.“谢谢你,多么可爱的小鸟啊!”她说。"I wish you wouldgive it to me. If you will let me keep it, I will always be very kind to it. Iwill take care of it myself. I will make it grow well again."“我好希望你可以把小鸟给我,如果你让我保管它,我会对它很好的,我会亲自照顾它。我会让它再次成长的很好。”"Yes, you may haveit," said the brother. So he gave her the bird and went on.“好的,你可以拥有它,”小王子说。于是他把小鸟给了小姑娘,继续上路。

At night, he went to sleepunder a round yellow haystack.晚上,他就睡在枯黄的干草堆里。When it was light again hewalked on.天刚亮他就要继续上路。Every day he would walkeight or ten miles.他每天都要走八到十英里。He asked the people aboutthe best thing in the world.他问人们世界上最好的东西。Some said it was best tosing. Some said it was best to run and jump and play.有人说最好的东西是唱歌,有人说最美好的事物就是能跑能跳能玩耍。Some said the green grasswas best.有人说绿草坪是最美好的事物。Some liked the red andblue and white flowers best.有人觉得红蓝白相间色的花是最好的。One man said the bestthing was to ride a black horse.一个人说最好的东西是骑着黑马。He always stopped to helppeople who needed it.他总是停下来帮助需要帮助的人。Soon he made many friends.All the people began to like him.不久之后他结识了很多朋友。所有的人都开始喜欢他。They would say, "Seethere goes the king's son. He would be just the right kind of king forus."他们说:“看,国王的儿子来了。他正是那种适合我们的好国王。”Every door was open tohim. The people would call to him to stop.每扇门都向他打开。人们都叫他停下来。They would ask him to comeand eat with them.他们都邀请他进来坐坐,和他们吃点东西。After he ate, he would sitdown and read to the children.吃完东西,他会坐下来和孩子们读书。After he read, he showedthem how to draw and write.读完书,他还会教孩子们画画写字。Months went by. He stillhad no beautiful thing to take to his father.几个月过去了,他还是没能找到精致的东西带给他的父亲大人。Just before the year wasdone, he went home again.正好在年前,他再次回到家。

The time came when theking called his sons together.国王召集他的儿子们的时间到了。"What did youbring?" He asked them all. The other brothers had many beautiful things.“你们都带了什么?”他问所有的儿子。其他几兄弟都拿出来很多精美的物品。"And what did youbring?" said the king to the last brother.“那你带了什么?”国王问小儿子。"This is toofunny!" said the other brothers.“太可笑了”其他兄弟说。"He hasnothing!" But the king was kind to the last brother.“他什么都没带!”但是国王对小王子很慈祥。"What did you bringme?" the king asked again.“你给我带了什么?”国王又问了一遍。"I bring only thefriendship of your people," said the last brother.“我只带了你的子民的友谊”小儿子说。"That is the bestthing!" cried his father. "You shall be the new king."“那是最好的东西!”父亲喜极而泣。“你是新的国王!”Pre-primer 学前a and away big blue cancome down find for funny go help here hers I in is it jump little look make memy not one play red run said see the three to two up we where yellow youa and away big blue cancome down find for funny go help here hers I in is it jump little look make memy not one play red run said see the three to two up we where yellow youPrimer 初级all am are at ate be blackbrown but came did do eat four get good have he into like must new no now onour out please pretty ran ride saw say she so soon that there they this toounder want was well went what white who will with yesall am are at ate be blackbrown but came did do eat four get good have he into like must new no now onour out please pretty ran ride saw say she so soon that there they this toounder want was well went what white who will with yesGrade One 一年级after again an any ask asby could every fly from give going had has her him his how just know let livemay of old once open over put round some stop take thank them then think walkwere whenafter again an any ask asby could every fly from give going had has her him his how just know let livemay of old once open over put round some stop take thank them then think walkwere whenGrade Two 二年级always around because beenbefore best both buy call cold does don’t fast first five found gave goes greenits made many off or pull read right sing sit sleep tell their these those uponus use very wash which wish work would write youralways around because beenbefore best both buy call cold does don’t fast first five found gave goes greenits made many off or pull read right sing sit sleep tell their these those uponus use very wash which wish work would write yourGrade Three 三年级about better bring carryclean cut done draw drink eight fall far full got grow hold hot hurt if keepkind laugh light long much myself never only own pick seven shall show sixsmall start ten today together try warmabout better bring carryclean cut done draw drink eight fall far full got grow hold hot hurt if keepkind laugh light long much myself never only own pick seven shall show sixsmall start ten today together try warm