上大学前的每一天,我都觉得要精分了……|| 那些大学前的各种不安



- 撒花!老子终于上完高中了!我能现在就搬进大学宿舍吗?

- 最不想和爸妈住了,终于可以上大学远离爸妈了!

- 想家?哼,想家是什么,大学一定是将会是我人生中最好的一段时光!

- 我绝壁会爱大学爱到爆!我猜……?

- 哈哈,想那么多,我肯定会没事的。

- 我一定可以在大学里交到很多的朋友,我下半辈子都不用愁了!

- 要离开了每个人肯定都会觉得有点害怕,对吧?

I’m so over high school. Can I move now?

Living with my parents is the worst.

I don’t see what the big deal is. Going tocollege is gonna be the best thing that’s ever happened ever.

I’m gonna love it…I think.

Ugh, snap out of it, you’re gonna be fine.

I’m gonna make a bunch of awesome friends whowill help me with any and all quarter-life crises.

And everyone is a little scared going away,right?


- 等等!我难道要现在就想清楚我下半辈子要干什么?!

- 可是我不知道我下辈子想要干什么啊!

- 如果在大学里想妈妈会不会被人笑话……

- 你妹,我现在就开始想妈妈了……

- 我TM今天怎么了!

Wait. Do I actually have to figure out what Iwant to do for the rest of mylife now?!

I don’t know what I want to do FOR THE REST OFMY LIFE!

Is it uncool to call your mom in college?

Oh my god, I might actually miss my mom.



- 哎说不定我和那个在新生见面会上见到的妹子会成好朋友呢

- 她看起来超级酷的,说不定我们会成好朋友的

- 我是不是应该给她发个短信……

- 我是不是应该也给我的室友发条短信

- 不要怂!不要怂!不要怂!

I wonder if I’m gonna be friends with that girlI met at orientation.

She was kinda cool. Maybe we’ll be homies.

I should text her.

I should probably text my roommate at somepoint, too.

Please be normal. Please be normal. Please benormal.


- 可是她要是在宿舍里贴满了诡异的画报怎么办?

- 或者听超难听的音乐

- 或者整晚上看电视

- 哈哈没事的,我晚上睡觉很死。我..猜..?

- 嗯,我觉得我应该改一下那个早上8点的课。。

What if she decorates our dorm with weirdposters?

Or listens to bad music?

Or stays up all night watching TV?

It’ll be OK. I’m a heavy sleeper. I think?

Maybe I should drop that 8 a.m. class. Just incase


- 现在还背双肩包是不是有点土?

- 靠!我还没有买书么!

- 等等,买书……多……少……钱?

- 你. TM. 逗. 我.?!

- 我还哪有钱吃饭啊!

Are backpacks still cool?

CRAP! I’ve gotta figure out what books I need.

Wait, my books are howmuch money?

Are. You. Kidding. Me?

Will I even have enough money to EAT?!

- 餐厅的饭要是特别烂怎么办?!

- 哎酱油炒饭能邮寄不?

- 我要请个中国阿姨天天给我做饭

- 哦对我还得问问我妈怎么洗衣服

What if the cafeteria food sucks?

Can you send lasagna in the mail?

Remember to ask Mom about mailing lasagna.

Also remember to ask Mom about how to do laundry.

- 可是我要是把我所有的衣服都洗毁了怎么办?

- 我是不是应该在上学之前带一些新的衣服

- 我难道要每场橄榄球比赛都去吗?

- 港真,你去哪搞到门票啊?

- 我们大学的球队水平怎么样啊都不知道……

- 我真心应该加个社团,这样我就能认识更多的人了呢。


What if I ruin all my clothes?

I should buy some new clothes before school.

Should I make one of those game-day T-shirtdresses?

Do I have to go to every football game?

How do I get tickets to the football games?

Is our team even any good?

I should join a club so I can meet people.

- 卧槽这么多社团,简直挑花了眼!

- 要是我加的社团超级怎么办!

- 或者,要是这些人都不如我之前的人好玩怎么办!

- 或者,他们有了新朋友怎么办!!

OMG there are so many. HOW DO YOU PICK?!

What if the organization I join is totallylame?

And what if none of the people in it are as funas my friends back home?

What if all my friends forget about me?

Or worse. What if they get NEW best friends?

- 完了,我感觉臣妾做不到啊!

- 感觉各科要挂……

- 深呼吸深呼吸……

- 好了,正经问题,现在,我到底要怎么把这么多东西带到美国啊……

What if I can’t do this?

What if I fail ALL my classes?

Breathe. It’s gonna be fine.

Now, for the real hard part… How do I pack allmy stuff into one car?

25张高清无码图剧透你真实的美帝大学生活 || 阳光,沙滩,比基尼?图样图深破。


