20世纪后期的新西兰书学家唐·麦肯齐(Don Mckenzie)提出文本社会学的理论,也就是说承载文本的物质形式会影响到文本所要传达的意义,这一理论影响了许多当代学者,大家开始关注书籍整体的重要性,而不只是书页上的文字。
(封面有耶稣的荣耀的书籍, ca1185-1210, 法国)
(Book Cover (?) with Byzantine Icon of the Crucifixion,11世纪晚期)
(手抄书的一页:Manuscript Illumination with Singing Monks in an Initial D, from a Psalter1501–2)
(手抄书的一页:Manuscript Illumination with David in Prayer in an Initial M, from a Psalter1501–2)
Manuscript Leaf with the Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr in an Initial P, from a Gradual
ca. 1270–80)
到13世纪末期,牛津、巴黎、柏林、帕多瓦和博洛尼亚,出现了大学这种机构。大学学生们可以根据不同的程度在四个学科中获得B.A, M.A或是Ph.D的学位。这四个学科是:神学、哲学、医药和法律(包括D.D, Ph.D.,M.D和J.D)有的学校法学出众,如博洛尼亚大学——一所由学生管理和控制的大学。其他大学,如巴黎的大学,它的神学和哲学学科非常出众;帕多瓦的大学的医学非常出众。就是在大学之中,我们可以找到我们所非常感兴趣的西方思想的传统。
(《圣经》,ca. 1250–75)
(Bifolium with the Decretals of Gratian ,教会法,律法书的一种,ca. 1290)
(时祷书的一页:Manuscript Leaf with the Annunciation from a Book of Hours ca. 1485–90)
《贝里公爵的豪华时祷书》(Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry)。在翁贝托的眼里,这部手抄书《豪华时祷书》是一部了解当时历史时期物质生活、习俗、社会以及人们兴趣爱好的不可替代的文献,而不仅仅是那十二幅著名插图的载体。
(Leaf from a Manuscript of Valerius Maximusca. 1380–90)
( 教堂上出现:The Presentation in the Temple)
New Inventions of Modern Times [Nova Reperta], The Invention of Book Printing, plate 4ca. 1600
出处:Department of Medieval Art and The Cloisters. “The Art of the Book in the Middle Ages.” InHeilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/book/hd_book.htm (October 2001)
Alexander, Jonathan J. G. Medieval Illuminators and Their Methods of Work. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
Calkins, Robert G. Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1983.
De Hamel, Christopher. Scribes and Illuminators. London: British Museum Press, 1992.
Holcomb, Melanie, with contributions by Lisa Bessette et al. Pen and Parchment: Drawing in the Middle Ages. Exhibition catalogue. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2009. See on MetPublications
Pächt, Otto. Book Illumination in the Middle Ages. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.