5月3日~9日,是北美地区一年一度的饮水周活动,该项活动由著名的美国水协会创立,至今已有40余年历史。饮水周主题活动将致力于让普通的老百姓更好地意识到自来水的重要性,拉近供水行业和普通用户之间的距离。在这一周内,北美各大供水相关的机构、组织都会自发行动起来,共同宣传饮水周的理念。今年,《净水技术》小编带您简单了解饮水周活动。美国水协会(AWWA)近日启动了饮水周系列活动(5月3日~9日),为了使用户认识到当他们需要自来水的时候,自来水就在那里。40多年来,美国水协会及其成员一直将“饮水周”作为水务专业人士及其社区认识到水在我们日常生活中的重要作用的独特机会。For more than 40 years the American Water Works Association and its members have used Drinking Water Week as a unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to recognize the vital role water plays in our daily lives.The American Water Works Association (AWWA) kicked off Drinking Water Week, held May 3-9 this year, by encouraging consumers to recognize that their tap water is “There When You Need It.”美国水协会将通过聚焦自来水在人们生活中的重要地位、覆盖家庭和办公地点的自来水基础设置,以及供水专业人士日以继夜的工作,来开展今年的“饮用水周”活动。“我们的身边发生了很多变化,很高兴我们的自来水仍然是清洁的并可以随时随地饮用和清洁。”, 美国水协会首席执行官大卫·拉弗朗西(David LaFrance)表示,“即使在新冠病毒疫情期间,北美地区的供水专业人士仍坚持在原水、制水、输配水等专业领域,确保其社区供水的健康和安全。”AWWA will observe Drinking Water Week by recognizing the vital role tap water plays in daily life, the infrastructure that is required to carry it to and from homes and businesses, and the critical work that water professionals accomplish around the clock.“With so much changing around us, it is comforting to know that our tap water is readily available for drinking and cleaning,” said AWWA CEO David LaFrance. “Even during the coronavirus pandemic, water professionals across North America continue to report to work to collect, treat and distribute water to ensure the health and safety of their communities.”在今年饮水周期间,北美地区的水务企业,水务组织,政府机构,环保组织,学校和其他机构将鼓励用户更多地了解水和水基础设施的重要性,尤其是在疫情的困难时期。To commemorate the week, water utilities, water organizations, government entities, environmental advocates, schools and others throughout North America and beyond will encourage consumers to learn more about the importance of water and water infrastructure, especially in times of crisis.
信息来源:American Water Works Association,仅供分享交流不做商业用途,不代表净水技术观点,版权归原作者与原作者出处
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