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《乐高悟空小侠之英雄出世 》动画预告

《乐高悟空小侠之英雄出世 》观看小程序


乐高设计总监Simon Lucas与高级设计师温笑冬与中国大陆地区首位认证大师蒋晟晖先生

在乐高悟空小侠设计团队,MOCOZONE作为乐高认证媒体,也是有幸采访到了高级设计总监Simon Lucas,今天也一起与你分享专访内容!(内容整合了公众号木头鸭子的问题)

-《悟空小侠》设计团队 -

乐高悟空小侠系列的主要设计团队有很多来自中国,其中Simon Lucas作为高级设计总监,于2011年加入乐高集团,此前曾参与设计乐高城堡系列,乐高幻影忍者系列,并且是《乐高幻影忍者大电影》的执行制片人。2018年开始着手《悟空小侠》系列新品的设计。

温笑冬于2012年加入乐高集团,是中国大陆招募的首位设计师, 2012年至2017年在乐高未来实验室的设计工作,之后负责乐高气功传奇,未来骑士团,HIDDEN SIDE等系列的设计,2018年开始,温笑冬主要工作就是《悟空小侠》,从最初的概念构思到产品的主题设定,全新积木颗粒元素以及人物设计,是整个系列重要的设计师。

Dennis Fong作为高级设计经理,主要负责乐高游戏的开发。

-《悟空小侠》专访内容 -


1.The theme of the Monkey Kid comes from a classic Chinese novel Journey to the West. The set has many fantasy and science fiction elements. The scenes have similarities with the Lego Ninjago Movie, which is different from the traditional Chinese classic style. As a brand-new franchise, the Monkey Kid reinterprets the elements of Chinese classics, but the is very different from the previous sets with traditional Chinese content, such as Chinese New Year's Eve Dinner and Dragon Dance. Why doesn’t traditional Chinese classic design continue in the Monkey Kid?

Answer: 回答:

The LEGO System really allows us to build worlds, create characters and tell new stories. We wanted to bring the original legend of The Monkey King to life in a completely new way that had never been seen before. 


When developing LEGO Monkie Kid, we explored many different design expressions for the characters and models from a traditional design language to more futuristic. We traveled all across China to show the concepts to Children and parents to find out what they liked the most and what would be the best way to tell the story. What we discovered was that children were incredibly inspired by the idea of telling the next chapter in the 500-year-old legend and setting it in the distant future and not the past. They were very familiar with the original stories such as how The Monkey King batted with The Bull Demon, but they were excited to see them brought to life in a completely new way. The idea of the next generation of Monkey King in a modern world, a new ‘chosen one’ who was a regular kid just like them really sparked their imagination.  


2.Did you watch the TV series of Journey to the West in 1986?

Answer: 回答:

In the creation of LEGO Monkie Kid I have been fascinated to see all different versions of The Monkey King and Journey to the West Story. I very quickly learnt that the 1986 TV series holds a very special place in people’s hearts in China. We have actually been able to use some sound effects from the 1986 TV series in The Monkie Kid animated series – its great to set the reaction of people who grew up with the show when they hear those familiar sounds. 


I have also enjoyed watching the 1964 Shanghai Animation Havoc in Heaven which was very inspiring. 


3.The brand-new story of the Monkey Kid is very different from the Journey to the West in our impression, but it also contains many popular plots and scenes. How to better integrate such new design?

Answer: 回答:

When we set ourselves the challenge of telling the next chapter in this legendary story we wanted to make sure there were the right balance familiar ingredients and never seen before ingredients. Enough for Children and parents to recognize the original legend and know that it is the Journey to the West universe but re-imagined enough to show a version that they have never seen before. 


4.Will there be some game for Monkey Kid in the future?

Answer: 回答:

I can’t comment on whether or not we will be making a game right now, but I can definitely see great potential! I would love to battle demons as The Monkie Kid in a video game! 



1.How did the design concepts of the Monkey Kid series come out? Did the LEGO designer first propose, or did LEGO China want to have a series themed on the Chinese elements?

Answer: 回答:

In May 2018 I was given a brief from The LEGO Group – could I create a LEGO IP universe and Play theme that celebrates Chinese culture. The first thing I did was assemble a very small team of concept designers including Xiaodong Wen, Dennis Fong and Alex Boudon. We travelled to China to collaborate with our LEGO colleagues in our Shanghai Hub where we started to explore the idea of creating a theme based on Chinese legends. It soon became clear that the Monkey King and Journey to the West was sparking lots of ideas. We were intrigued by the idea of celebrating the original 500-year-old legend and telling a new chapter for the next generation. 

2018年5月,乐高集团高层给我下达了一项任务:询问我能否打造一个以中国文化为主体的乐高玩具系列。接到任务后,我首先组建了一个小规模的概念设计师团队,团队成员包括温笑东、Dennis Fong和Alex Boudon。我们前往中国,与乐高上海的同事合作,探索开发以中国传奇故事为主题的乐高玩具系列。很快,大家普遍想到的都是《西游记》和齐天大圣的故事。我们从500年前的传奇故事中获取灵感,并为之讲述了一个全新的篇章。

The character and the world were so inspirational, and we began creating concept art and building sketch models. We wanted to show the idea to children to see if they felt as excited as we were, and the reaction was fantastic. It was so great to see and hear how excited they all were to see such iconic and familiar characters and story brought to life in a brand-new way. 


2.What is the relationship between the characters in Monkey kid and the ones in the novel Journey to the West? For example, the blue skin of Sandy, the pink skin of Pigsy.

Answer: 回答:

The Monkie Kid story continues the 500-year-old legend and begins a whole new chapter for the next generation. When an ordinary boy called MK finds The Monkey Kings legendary staff his life changes forever and a new hero is born – The Monkie Kid! 


In our new story MK is a huge fan of the Monkey King and knows all about his adventures. Like MK, his friends, Pigsy, Sandy, Mei and Tang are brand new characters inspired by the original legend. When designing the characters, we wanted to find that balance of being true to the original legend, so they are recognizable but innovative enough to re-imagine them in a new way. A good example of this is Mei, The White Horse Dragon Girl. This next chapter is set after the original legend and Mei is a direct descendant of the White horse family. 


3.In the first batch of sets announced, the main villains are the Bull Demon King family (Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan, and Red Son). Why did you choose Bull Demon King as the villain? Are other villains in the novel likely or scheduled to appear in the future?

Answer: 回答:

When exploring the stories from journey to the West we were spoilt for choice when deciding on which characters we would bring to life in LEGO. We created lots of prototypes and concept art to show Children all over China and The Demon Bull family was always a strong favorite. The Demon Bull also gave us great opportunities to re-imagine his character as a giant half bull half cyborg mech. It’s this twist on the original legend that really excited the children. 


4.In addition to the Journey to the West, what Chinese cultural elements have Lego designers considered to emerge?

Answer: 回答:

China is such an incredibly inspiring country filled with amazing stories and legends. The great thing about LEGO is that it is the perfect way to build and create your own stories. Whilst I can’t talk about future LEGO developments, I am personally looking forward to seeing how children all across china unleash their creativity with LEGO – maybe even bringing more Chinese legends to life in new ways! 












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