【火腿快新闻】跨年 | 手键之夜——新年第一天的传统项目



Straight Key Night is a New Year’s Day Tradition

Every day is a good day to operate on CW, but set some time aside on New Year’s Eve and Day to enjoy Straight Key Night (SKN). The annual event gets under way a 000 UTC on January 1 (New Year’s Eve in US time zones). The 24 hour event is not a contest but a day dedicated to celebrating our CW heritage. Participants are encouraged to get on the air and simply make enjoyable, conversational CW contacts, preferably using a straight (hand) key or a semi-automatic key (bug). Activity traditionally centers on CW segments in the HF bands. There are no points or obligatory exchange. The only requirement is just to have fun!


Send your SKN list of stations work and your votes for “” and “Most Interesting QSO” by January 31.


Concurrent with the ARRL Straight Key Night, AMSAT will hold its own SKN on OSCAR 2015, this year dedicated to the memory of Ben Stevenson, W2BXA, who died in 2011. Operate CW through any amateur satellite from on New Year’s Day 2016, using a manual (ie, non-electronic) key. No log is necessary, but AMSAT also asks for “Best Fist” nominees via e-mail to Ray Soifer, W2RS.

ARRL手键之夜举行的同时,AMSAT将在其业余卫星OSCAR 2015上举办自己的手键之夜纪念活动以此纪念在2011年逝去的Ben Stevenson, W2BXA。2016年新年第一天通过业余无线电卫星使用手键(不允许使用自动键)进行CW通联操作,虽然没有要求记录通联日志,但是AMSAT也要求参与最佳搭档的候选人评选,参与评选可以电子邮件给Ray Soifer, W2RS.

Stevenson, who was licensed in 1929, was one of the world’s top DXers on HF and satellites and held Satellite DXCC No 1. He was the founding president of the North Jersey DX Association.




