
"Hell!You've even got me doing it," he cursed. "Mick! Grab a cameraman and get yourself over to the N.C.D.C. There's a press conference in fifteen minutes.Probably nothing but the usual propaganda, but we daren't miss it. Then radio in when you're done and we'll see what else is afoot by then."

Mick scurried for the door, obviously pleased at being released , and Garth turned again on Dinah.

"First lesson, Miss Fisher. N.C.D.C.-- National Capital Development Commission. It's the equivalent of a planning commission, only more so. Almost total power...bureaucracy to the ultimate. Very, very important in Canberra, but not just for the moment. Right now I'd just like to know what I'm going to do with you."

He stood gazing about the room in silence, and Dinah could see the ripple of jaw muscle as a signal of the tension still rampant inside him. After a moment he thrust his arm towards an aged, vacant school--type desk in the far corner. It was almost buried in discarded newspapers and looked as if it should have been retired years before.

"That'll do. Clean off that mess, drag yourself over a chair and then sit there quietly for a while," he said." There's too much work for me to waste time with you now."

"But... but what am I going to do?"Dianh asked patiently . It was perfectly clear to her that it wouldn't take her too long to clean the desk, and she didn't fancy sitting about like a truant schoolchild.

His answer was a harsh and quite unexpected laugh, but Dinah looked up to find that the humour didn' t reach his eyes.

"Lord love us, don't tell me you actually want to do some work ? I'd have thought you'd be perfectly happy to spend the day doing your nails and plotting your next seduction campaign. Surely you're not going to confuse the issue by acctualy working?" Then ,abruptly, he dropped the sarcasm and looked at her with a curious light of speculation in his pale taupe eyes.

"Right! You can start by cleaning the desk , and then reading through all those papers once you've sorted them out. And I mean read them--everything from the headlines through the classifieds. How's that?"



米克快步向门走去, 显然感到很高兴被释放,咖什再次转向黛娜。








