商品画大师 皮诺·德埃尼 作品高清欣赏!

Pino Daeni
皮诺早期作品多描绘娇美浪漫的身着柔滑裙装的女性形象, 而这吸引了 Dell和Zebra出版社的注意。
1980年,Zebra委托他绘制了他的第一个封面,随后他在文学界的受欢迎程度不断攀升,最终成为了被Zebra、Bantam、Simon、Schuster、Herlequin、Penquin USA和Dell等众多出版社所追逐的当红画家。
皮诺的技巧,他温暖和使人激动地用色,以及他对对象微妙但又质朴的处理,使他的原画、奇克力(giclées) 和限量版在世界范围内热销。

Think of you
Pino Daeni – Italian artist, his art and canvases elicit feelings of warmth, nostalgia, love and family. His paintings are often set on vibrantly sunny beaches on the Mediterranean where he grew up. Pinois noted for his exceptional ability to capture the movements and expressions of his

Remember when

Mystic dreams

Long day


Morning breeze

Into the night

Good ole days

First glance

Evelasting beauty

Dreaming in color

Close to my heart


At the balcony


After dinner

Afternoon stroll

A soft place in my heart.

Wispering heart
Beautiful Paintings by Pino Daeni
Pino Daeni – Italian artist, his art and canvases elicit feelings of warmth, nostalgia, love and family. His paintings are often set on vibrantly sunny beaches on the Mediterranean where he grew up. Pinois noted for his exceptional ability to capture the movements and expressions of his subjects – a talent which has brought his artwork a worldwide following and private commissions to do portraits.
Trained in Italy at the Art institute of Bari, and later at Milan’s Academy of Brera, Pino perfected his skills painting nudes and figure studies heavily influenced by the Pre-Raphaelites and Macchiaioli. After establishing himself as a successful artist in his native land, Pino immigrated to the United States, seeking more artistic freedom and opportunity.
Pino’s technique, his warm and exciting colors and the subtle, but simple approach to his subject, are the reasons why his original paintings, his hand-embellished limited edition serigraphs, and his giclées are sought-after by collectors throughout the art world.
皮诺.德埃尼 Pino Daeni (Giuseppe Dangelico) 1939- ,意大利当代画家。1939 年出生在意大利。毕业于巴里艺术学院,后又就读于米兰的布雷拉美术学院。 在那里他在拉菲尔前派和马奇由里的影响下潜心研究人体的结构,进一步完善自己的画技。在意大利成功地树立了自己的名望后,皮诺移居美国,寻求艺术上更为广阔的发展空间和进一步发展的机会。
很快,著名的Borghi画廊发掘了他,为他在纽约和波士顿举行了数次画展。 皮诺早期作品多描绘娇美浪漫的身着柔滑裙装的女性形象, 而这吸引了 Dell和Zebra出版社的主意。
1980年,Zebra委托他绘制了他的第一个封面, 随后他在文学界的受欢迎程度不断攀升, 最终成为了被Zebra、Bantam、Simon、Schuster、Herlequin、Penquin USA和Dell等众多出版社所追逐的当红画家。
图文来自 / 老深镇油画艺术 LSZ-YS

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