Product Group:650 Product number: 778787
General description
The environmenthas a high focus on today's marine market. The need to improve emissions fromcombustion of hydrocarbons is ever present.
FuelPowerCatalyst has been formulated to help improve combustion while at the same timemake sure the fuel is stable and homogeneous. The combustion catalysts inFuelPower Catalyst reacts with soot particles during combustion reducing themby improving the oxidation of the soot particles.
当今的航运市场越来越重视对环境的保护,提高改善碳氢化合物燃烧后的排放是现在面临的问题. FuelPower Catalyst就是用来提高燃烧效果,保持燃油稳定均匀. FuelPower Catalyst中的燃烧催化剂在燃烧时与积碳颗粒进行氧化反应.
Improvescombustion by reducing the burn outtemperaturefor thesoot
Reduces carbon/ashdeposits
Limits sootformation and smokeemissions
You will see anoverall improvement in fuel combustion and a reduction in the sootemissions
Helpsyou to keep the fuel system in god shape and to make sure the fuel is stableand ready forcombustion
The fuelignition temperature is reduced, resulting in increased combustion efficiencywith less carbon left to form smoke and soot. Engine and exhaust systems arekept cleaner with longer service life and less maintenance.
Anti-polymerisationagents inhibit sludge formation, while dispersants stabilise the fuel. Thisresults in a cleaner fuel system and better fuel flow, giving improved fuelatomisation and greater combustion efficiency.
聚合抑制剂可以防止油泥的形成,同时分散剂保证燃油稳定,这样,燃油流动更好, 雾化效果更好,燃烧更充分.
Sulphuric acidcorrosion caused by condensing exhaust gases may be seen in any of the coolerparts of the boiler or engine system. Typical problem areas are cylinder liners(clover-leaf corrosion), valve stems and funnel uptakes. FuelPower Cataystcatalytically inhibits the formation of acid gases. This reduces the amount ofacid present, thereby reducing acid corrosion.
由废气造成的硫酸腐蚀可以在锅炉以及引擎的冷却器部分见到.主要为缸套腐蚀,阀杆腐蚀. FuelPower Catayst 的催化性质减少了酸性气体的生成,从而减少酸的生成,减少酸性腐蚀.
Directions for use Dosage and control
FuelPowerCatalystiscompletelyoil-solubleandshouldbeaddedviaameteringpumpintothesuctionsideoftheboosterpump.Alternatively,itcanbeaddedintothesettlingtank.Ifso,thedoserateshould beincreasedby10%.Asageneralguide,theaveragedosageshouldbe1:15000.Alterationscanthenbemadeaccordingtooperatingexperienceandresultsobtained.WherefuelanalysisforMicroCarbon Residue, (MCR) is available, doseaccording to the tablebelow:
FuelPower Catalyst 完全是油溶性的,他可以通过剂量泵从燃油增压泵的进口投入.也可以投入沉淀柜中,如果这样的话, 药剂量增加 10%.一般来说,平均的投药量为 1:15000.根据结果和经验作出相应调整. 可用(MCR)分析微炭渣,剂量如下表:
FuelPower Conditioner
ProductGroup:650 Productnumber:778785
General description
Fuel stability and compatibility is an increasing problem withmodern marine heavy fuels, especially with blending of low sulfur fuels. Thesolution for handling these unstable and incompatible fuels is FuelPowerConditioner, it stabilizes and stops sludge formation in fuel tanks. FuelPowerConditioner also improves separation reducing the amount of sludge wastedkeeping the fuel homogeneous through the whole fuel system delivering a stablefuel ready for combustion.
当今的航运业,燃油的稳定性和兼容性成为一个越来越被关注的问题.尤其低硫油. FuelPowerConditioner 能稳定,阻止油仓中油泥的形成.同时也能提高被分离的效果,减少油渣数量;保持燃油在系统中均衡,保持燃烧效果.
Stabilizes fuelblends, reducing compatibilityproblems
Disperses and prevents sludgeformation
Reducesthe amount of sludge wasted in the centrifugal separator
The conditioningproperties of FuelPower Conditioner ensuresyour fuel is stable and that a minimum of sludgeis wasted in tanks and centrifugalseparators
With purifier working efficiently,filters clean and fuel system in good shape you can focus onthe importantthings
理想情况下,FuelPower Conditioner 应该在加油前,加在油仓里.也可以加入沉淀柜中,或者驳油时.投药率最好根据燃油分析结果来确定,调整.如沉淀物比例以及兼容性测试,在船上用兼容性测试盒很容易做到的。