1. 第一, 永远不要做任何承诺。第二,一旦承诺了,就要信守承诺。
Rule number one: never make any promise. Rule number two: once you have made one, you must do whatever it takes to keep it.
* Rule number:规则
* make a promise:做出承诺
* do whatever it takes to:不惜一切代价去
* keep the promise:新手承诺
2. 这个世界上,绝大数人那么努力,包括你我,不就是为了给那些曾经低估羞辱我们的人,一点颜色看看吗?
In this world, most people are working very hard, including you and me. We do that to teach those who underestimate and humiliate us a lesson, aren’t we?
*teach…a lesson:给某人一点教训
*underestimate:vt. 低估
*humiliate:vt. 羞辱
3. 做到韬光养晦很重要。做好自己的业绩,任人评说,自然会有人来成为你的合作伙伴。
Keeping a low profile is important. Do your job, and ignore those comments. And someone will be your partner.
*keep a low profile:低调(韬光养晦)
*do one’s job:做好自己的本职工作
4. 我们不是天使,我们唯一感兴趣的,就是他们的钱包。
We are not angels. The only thing that interests us is their money.
5. 实战之前,必须预演,以排除一切意外的可能。没有人会在乎你所谓的特殊情况,更没有人有心情,有时间去听你解释。
A rehearsal must be conducted before something real in case of any emergency. Nobody will care about the so-called “accident”, and they won’t have the time and mood for your explanations.
*in case of:以防
*care about:关心
6. 时刻心系客户,体验他们的悲观和快乐的情绪,与他们站在同一战线上。
Think about your clients all the time. Feel their sadness and happiness. Stand with them.
*think about…all the time:一直想着(=心系)
*stand with:跟某人站在一条战线上。
7. 人与人之间,在同一时间,只能保留一种关系,否则就会感情用事。
There must be only one relationship between people at one time. Otherwise, you will act impetuously.
*at one time:在同一时间
*act impetuously:感情用事(impetuously:激烈地、鲁莽地)
8. 金钱与爱情面前卖弄自尊,是最愚蠢的事。
It is the most stupid thing to show off one’s dignity in front of money or love.
*it is…to…:形式主语句
*show off:卖弄
*in front of:在…面前
9. 最佳的报复不是仇恨,而是打心底发出的冷淡,干嘛花力气去恨一个不相干的人。
The best revenge is not hatred, but the coldness from the bottom of your heart. Why bother hating someone who has nothing to do with you?
*侃哥笔记: 生气、仇恨只不过是用别人的错误来惩罚自己。当ta是空气,自己也落得自在、轻松。
*from the bottom of one’s heart:来自心底
*why bother doing:为何要很麻烦地做某事
*have nothing to do with:跟…毫无关系
10. 菩萨心肠,金刚手段,才是对待朋友和你在意的人应该有的态度—
Speak softly and behave resolutely. That’s the right attitude toward your friends and loved ones.
*right attitude:正确的态度
*loved ones:所在意的、所爱的人
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