每年的5月17日是“世界电信和信息社会日(World Telecommunication & Information Society Day)”,旨在使公众了解互联网及其它信息通信技术(ICT)的使用给社会和经济发展带来的多种可能性,以及弥合数字鸿沟的各种途径。这一天是创建国际电信联盟的纪念日。今年“世界电信和信息社会日”的主题是:“连通目标2030:利用信息通信技术促进可持续发展目标的实现(Connect 2030: ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”。
Information technology can be a beacon of hope, allowing billions of people around the world to connect.在冠状病毒病大流行期间,这种与亲人、学校、工作场所、专业医护人员和基本用品的联系,比以往任何时候都更加重要。During the COVID-19 pandemic, these connections – with loved ones, with schools and colleges, with workplaces, with healthcare professionals and essential supplies– are more important than ever.国际电信联盟继续与信息和通信技术界及联合国机构合作,为管理和结束这场危机并更好地恢复作出贡献。The International Telecommunication Union continues to work with the information and communication technology community and UN agencies to help manage and end this crisis, and recover better.
New technologies, from 5G and big data to cloud computing and artificial intelligence, are powerful tools to tackle the world's most pressing challenges, including the pandemic.
Leaving no one behind means leaving no one offline.
World Telecommunication and Information Society Day reminds us that international cooperation on digital technology is essential to help defeat COVID-19 and achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
1865年5月17日在巴黎签署了第一项《国际电报公约》,这标志着国际电信联盟的诞生。自1969年起,每年的5月17日都是“世界电信日”。而世界电信日的正式确立,是于1973年由马拉加-托雷莫里诺斯召开的全权代表大会达成。2005年11月,信息社会世界高峰会议(WSIS)呼吁联合国大会将5月17日定为“世界信息社会日”,以便引起人们对信息通信技术(ICT)和WSIS提出的内容广泛的信息社会相关问题的重视。联大于2006年3月通过了一项决议 (A/RES/60/252) 规定将在每年的5月17日庆祝世界信息社会日。
2020年为国际电联成员纪念信息和通信技术对推进信息社会所做贡献提供了一个独特机会,也是提出“连通目标2030:促进全球电信/信息和通信技术发展”的独到机遇。该议程现已与国际电联2020-2023年战略规划结合起来,并特别侧重于未来10年的技术进步将如何有助于加速实现联合国2030年可持续发展议程的可持续发展目标(SDG)。“连通目标2030”:利用信息通信技术促进可持续发展目标的实现”这一主题凸显信息通信技术向智能和可持续发展过渡方面取得的进步。该主题聚焦信息通信技术驱动的解决方案和新趋势,以促进经济、环境和社会的可持续性。主题“连通目标2030:利用ICT(信息通信技术)促进可持续发展目标的实现”将使国际电联成员能够思考ICT在向智能和可持续发展过渡方面取得的进展。它将侧重于具体的ICT技术驱动的解决方案和新趋势,以促进经济、环境和社会的可持续性,推进实现《连通目标2030议程》的五个战略目标:增长、包容性、可持续、创新及合作。联合国图片 | 五个战略目标:增长、包容性、可持续、创新及合作。每年的5月17日,世界各地的人们都与国际电联的成员一道举办庆祝世界电信和信息社会日的活动。Every year on May 17, people around the world join the ITU family to celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.
This year, I call on all of you to join me in advancing ITU's Connect 2030 Agenda, a shared global vision to bridge the digital divide and use the power of information and communication technology in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
我请各位向全世界展示,5G和智能交通、物联网、人工智能和区块链等新技术能够以怎样的方式改善人们的生活并促进社会经济的发展。I invite you to show the world what new technologies like 5G and Intelligent Transport, the Internet of Things, AI, and blockchain can do to improve people's lives and facilitate social and economic development.这些技术与最新创新具有推动人类进步的巨大潜力,是实现每一项可持续发展目标的利器。These technologies and new innovations hold great potential for human progress; they are a powerful tool to achieve each and every one of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Almost half the world's population is still not using the Internet, and overall growth in ICT connectivity is slowing. Time is pressing.
We need to coordinate and redouble our efforts to connect everyone to the global digital economy, and that for those connected, more must be done to ensure that connected life is safe and trustworthy.
On World Telecommunication and Information Society Day and for this new decade, let's harness information and communication technology to accelerate social, economic and environmentally sustainable growth and inclusive development for everyone, everywhere.2016年: 提倡信息通信技术创业精神,扩大社会影响