
来源:标签:Sara Pozzi,CVT,验证,技术,联盟收藏:株野作者:萨拉·A·波兹教授日期:2015/10/15联系人

Prof. Sara A. PozziMTV DirectorNuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciencespozzisa@umich.edu734-615-4970欢迎该协会的验证技术(CVT)邀请您参加今年的年度CVT研讨会在美丽的举行Dahlmann校园酒店 在密歇根州安阿伯。该研讨会将以我们项目成立第一年的CVT研究成果为特色。活动活动将包括由我们的老师提供的演讲以及由我们的才华横溢的学生和博士后研究员展示的海报。我们活动的两天都将提供早餐和午餐,并于10月15日晚上在Savas餐厅提供参与者晚餐(。议程单击此处查看完整的研讨会议程!餐厅指南和浇水孔在Campus Inn酒店的步行范围内,可以找到当地的餐馆和水坑。期待即将到来的足球周末,密歇根大学金刚狼大学将主办密歇根州立斯巴达人,这个小镇将为之兴奋不已!A2-餐厅指南注册报名费:$ 150


宿舍校园旅馆734-769-2200,$ 205 /晚,有5个房间保留在CVT Workshop下研讨会将在此地点举行密歇根联赛旅馆734-764-3177,http: // $ 120 /晚,13个房间保留在CVT Workshop下离达尔曼校园旅馆0.5公里肯辛顿法院734-761-2929,http: // $ 110 /晚,有20个房间保留在CVT Workshop下离达尔曼校园旅馆3公里班车接送北安阿伯汉普顿酒店734-996-4444,http: // $ 144 /间,15间客房保留在CVT Workshop下离达尔曼校园旅馆4公里停车处Dahlmann Campus Inn的停车位有限。提供城市停车。最近的停车结构位于图书馆巷停车结构,319 S 5th Ave,安娜堡,48104。安娜堡活动和活动漫步在美国最佳大街之一,在美丽的秋天体验安阿伯!探索越野步道或探索伟大的博物馆,包括密歇根大学校园内的三个博物馆。访问时,请不要错过我们世界一流的餐厅和剧院!10月17日,密歇根大学的金刚狼队将在2个BIG 10足球队之间的比赛中面对密歇根州立斯巴达人。可以通过Wolverine团队网站MGOBLUE.com找到更多信息。 通过访问开始计划您的安阿伯体验CVT WORKSHOP, 2015WELCOMEThe Consortium for Verification Technology (CVT) invites you to participate in this year’s annual CVT Workshop held at the beautiful Dahlmann Campus Inn in Ann Arbor, Michigan.The workshop will feature CVT research efforts from the inaugural year of our project. Event activities will include talks provided by our faculty as well as posters to be presented by our talented students and postdoctoral fellows. Breakfast and lunch will be provided during both days of our event as well as a participant dinner at Savas restaurant the evening of October 15 ( the full workshop agenda by clicking here!RESTAURANT GUIDE & WATERING HOLESCheck out the local restaurants and watering holes all within walking distance of the Campus Inn. Expect a the town to be abuzz with excitement for the upcoming football weekend where the University of Michigan Wolverines will host the Michigan State Spartans!A2-Restaurant GuideREGISTRATIONRegistration Fee: $150

Registration  closes September 15, 2015! Please register ASAP! Your registration allows us to accurately prepare for our event.EVENT DETAILSOctober 15 & 16, 2015The Dahlmann Campus Inn615 E Huron St., Ann Arbor, MI

ACCOMMODATIONSThe Campus Inn734-769-2200,$205/night, 5 rooms availablereserved under CVT WorkshopThe workshop will be held at this locationInn At the Michigan League734-764-3177,$120/night, 13 roomsreserved under CVT Workshop0.5 miles from the Dahlmann Campus InnKensington Court734-761-2929,$110/night, 20 rooms availablereserved under CVT Workshop3 miles from the Dahlmann Campus InnShuttle AvailableHampton Inn, Ann Arbor North734-996-4444,$144/room, 15 rooms availablereserved under CVT Workshop4 miles from the Dahlmann Campus InnPARKINGParking at the Dahlmann Campus Inn is limited.City parking is available. The nearest parking structure is located at  the Library Lane Parking Structure, 319 S 5th Ave, Ann Arbor, 48104.ANN ARBOR ACTIVITIES & EVENTSExperience Ann Arbor during the beautiful fall months as you wander one of America’s Best Main Streets! Explore the cross-country trails or explore great museums including three on the campus of the University of Michigan. Don’t miss our world-class dining and theatre when you visit!On October 17th, the University of Michigan Wolverines will face the Michigan State Spartans in a battle between 2 BIG 10 football teams. More information can be found through the Wolverine team website at MGOBLUE.comStart planning your Ann Arbor experience by visiting



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