




1. We can have meals in the r________.

2. We can borrow books from the l________.

3. The man wants to send a letter, so he is looking for a p______ o_____.

4. If you are not feeling good, you have to go to the h_______.

5. We can buy ________(邮票) in the post office.

6. There ______(be) two bikes and a car in front of the house.

7. There are two new ________(library) in the city.

8. Where _____(be) the bank?

9. The girl between _____(they) is my cousin.

10. Lily is swimming _______(cross) the river.

参考答案:restaurant, library, post office, hospital, stamps, are, libraries, is, them, across



1. -- ____ is the Changjiang River?

-- It's 6630 meters long.

A. How old    B. How wide    C. How long    D. How deep

2. Shanghai is bigger than _____ in Zhijiang and bigger than _____ in China.

A. any city, any city    B. any other city, any other city

C. any city, any other city    D. any other city, any city

3. -- Why do you like living in the countryside?

-- Because there is _____ noise and _____ cars.

A. less, less    B. less, fewer

C. fewer, fewer    D. fewer, less

4. Although Jim is only two years old, he can swim as ____ as her brother.

A. good    B. better    C. well    D. best

5. Maths is ____ of all the subjects in my class because our maths teacher is very friendly to us.

A. more popular    B. most popular

C. popular    D. the most popular

6. The Everest is both difficult and dangerous ____.

A. climbing    B. to climb    C. climb    D. climbs

7. Mount Tai is one of ____ mountains in Shandong. Many people like climbing it every year.

A. famous    B. most famous    C. the most famous    D. the more famous

8. The soldier succeeded _____ the boy in the lake.

A. save    B. in saving    C. to save    D. saves

9. Climbers would like to challenge themselves in the ____ of trouble.

A. face    B. nose    C. ear    D. eye

10. My sister spent a lot of money on books _____ she was not rich.

A. unless    B. because    C. so that    D. even though




1. Please don't take the book away. I _____ it.

A. use    B. have used    C. am using    D. used

2. It's 7:00 and you _____ dinner. Let's eat now.

A. cook    B. will cook    C. are cooking    D. have cooked

3. Oh, bad luck. I ____ my watch in the library.

A. leave    B. left    C. was leaving    D. will leave

4. Grandma _____ glasses when she watches TV.

A. wears    B. was wearing    C. wore    D. has worn

5. Just go along the street and you ____ the post office next to the school.

A. see    B. have seen    C. saw    D. will see

6. Our team _____ another point! I am sure we will win.

A. has got    B. will get    C. is getting    D. got

7. I _____ the supermarket. Do you need anything?

A. go to    B. have gone to    C. went to    D. am going to

8. Jane is very happy that she ____ her lost purse.

A. finds    B. has found    C. found    D. will find

9. We are proud of China because it ____ stronger and stronger

A. will become    B. is becoming    C. became    D. was becoming

10. Tom _____ every time we play chess.

A. won    B. has won    C. wins    D. will win




