
补全对话专练一、在下面对话的空白处填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整、通顺A: Hi, Sally! (1)_______________?B: It's a photo.A: (2) _________________?B: Yes, it is a photo of my family.A: (3) _________________?B: She is my sister, Jane.A: Oh,you have a sister.B: Yes, and I have a brother, too. Look! He is here.A: (4) __________________?B: His name is David.A: (5) ________________. You have a bigfamily.B: Yes, I do.二、六、从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话(有两项多余选项)。A: Hi, Jim! Is this your pen?B: No, it's Jack's. (1)________A: Are these pencils his?B: (2) ________They're Lucy's.A: What about the two rulers?B: The blue one is Jack's. (3)________A: Is the hat yours?B: (4) _________A: On the desk.B: Yes, it's mine.A: (5) _____________B: You're welcome.A. No, it isn't.B. Where is the hat?C. And the yellow one is mine.D. Mine is in my schoolbag.E. Is this your hat?F. Thank you for your help.G. No, they aren’t.三、根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项完成下面的对话(其中有两项多余)。A: Excuse me, Jack. (1)_______B: No, it's Sally's.A: Sally? (2) _______B: She is Nick's sister.A: Well, is Sally at school now?B: (3) ________You can ask Nick.A: OK. What,s Nick,s telephone number?B: (4)________A: (5) ________B: You're welcome.A.   Sorry, I don't know.B.   I' m fine, thanks.C.   Thank you.D.   Who is Sally?E.   Come on, Sally.F.   His telephone number is 010-7788.G.   Is this your tape player?四、根据对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使其意思连贯、完整。A: Hello, Alice! (1)_________________?B: I'm fine,thanks. And you?A: I'm fine, too. (2) ________________?B: It's a photo of my family.A: (3) _______________?B: No, it isn't my mother. It's my aunt.A: Oh, your aunt? Is the girl your sister?B: Yes, she is.A: (4) ________________?B: Her name is Mary.A: (5) ________________?B: M-A-R-Y, Mary.A: Thank you.五、在横线上填上适当的句子,完成对话。A: Good morning!B: Good morning!A: What' s your name?B:⑴_________________.A: I'm Mary Green.B: (2) _______________.A: Nice to meet you, too. (3) _______________?B: His name's Frank.A:(4) ________________?B: Brown. He's Frank Brown.A: (5) ________________?B: Yes, he is my good friend.六、从下面的方框中选择荅适的句子,完成对话。Jack: Hello, Gina!Gina: Hello, Jack! (1) _______Jack: Yes, it is.Gina: Are these your parents?Jack: (2) _______This is my father, Mike,and this is my mother, Jane.Gina: Is she your sister?Jack: (3) _______This is my sister, Linda.Gina: (4) ________Jack: They are my grandparents, David and Kate.Gina: Who is the boy?Jack:(5)_________A. No, she is my aunt, Mary.B. What' s his name?C. Is this your family photo?D. Oh, he is my cousin, Tom.E. Who are they?F. Yes, it is.G. Yes, they are.七、从下面的方框中选择合适的句子,完成对话。其中有两个多余选项 。A: Excuse me, Mike. (1)______B: Yes, it is. Thank you.A: The pen is yours. (2) ______B: It isn't mine. (3) ______Her eraser is white.A: Is she in the classroom now?B: No, she isn' t. (4) ______If you can' t find her,you can call her.A: What' s her telephone number?B:(5) ______A: Thank you.B: You're welcome.A. What about this white eraser?B. Who is Jane?C. She is in the library.D. Is this your pen?E. She is my sister.F. It's 889-6673.G. You can ask Jane.八、从下面方框中选择合适的句子,完成对话(有两个多余选项)。A: Mom! (1)_________I can't find it.B: Is it in your pencil box?A: (2) _________B: I think it’s on your desk.A: Yes. (3) ________Err... where' s my schoolbag?B: It's on the chair.A: No, it's not mine. (4) _______My schoolbag is black.B: Oh, yours is on your bed.A: Yes,Mom. (5) _______ Thank you.A. It's my sister Mary’s.B. Where is my hat?C. It's on my desk.D. Where' s my pencil?E. It's here, on my bed.F. Is your pencil in the pencil box?G. No. I can't see it.参考答案一、What’s this in English?2. Is it a photo of your family?3. Who is the girl?4. What’s his name?5. Oh, I see.二、DGCFB三、GDAFC四、1. How are you?2. What’s this?3. Is this your mother?4. What’s her name?5. How do you spell it?五、1. My name is Gina Smith.2. Nice to meet you.3. What’s his name?4. What’s his last name?5. Is he your good friend.六、CGAED七、DAGCF八、DGCAE

