Stata 日期格式转换



张宁教授在环境效率和非期望产出领域学者中排名第二,他在 Science, Nature, Cell 和 Lancet 上均有发表。杜克锐副教授已在 SSC 发布了十余个 Stata 命令,有三篇论文发表于 Stata Journal,获得 2020 年 Stata 中国用户奖。


  • 参数方法主要包括参数线性规划(Parametric LP)、计量经济方法和随机前沿方法(SFA)三大方法。
  • 非参数方法,即 DEA 方法,主要包括 DDF, NDDF 和 SBM 等模型。

重要福利: 本课程所涉及的参数和非参数效率模型,老师们都将会提供封装后的 Stata 估计命令,只需几条简单的命令即可实现最新的模型。老师们也会分享编写过程心得,让大家有能力对这些封装程序进行修改和扩展。


作者:左祥太 (武汉纺织大学)


  • 1. 应用场景

  • 2. 格式转换

  • 3. 相关推文

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1. 应用场景


. merge 1:1 id date using data1.dtakey variable date is float in master but str4 in using data    Each key variable -- the variables on which observations are matched --    must be of the same generic type in the master and using datasets.  Same    generic type means both numeric or both string.r(106);


xtset id datestring variables not allowed in varlist;date is a string variabler(109);

相信很多对 Stata 较为陌生的同学都会烦恼于日期格式的处理。为此,本篇推文将为大家简要介绍 Stata 中日期格式转换问题。

2. 格式转换


  • 日度资料
. clear. input str9 date          date  1. "1jan2021"  2. "2jan2021"  3. "3jan2021"  4. "4jan2021"  5. "5jan2021"  6. end. gen date1 = date(date, "DMY") //D代表日, M代表月, Y代表年. format date1 %td. gen date2 = date(date, "DMY"). format date2 %tdCY-N-D . des

Contains data Observations:             5                      Variables:             3                  ------------------------------------------------------------Variable      Storage   Display    Value    name         type    format    label      Variable label------------------------------------------------------------date            str9    %9s                   date1           float   %td                   date2           float   %tdCY-N-D             ------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by:      Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
  • 周度资料
. input str9 week          week  1.  2021w1  2.  2021w2  3.  2021w3  4.  2021w4  5.  2021w5  6.  end. gen week1 = weekly(week, "YW"). format week1 %tw. des

Contains data Observations:             5                      Variables:             2                  ------------------------------------------------------------Variable      Storage   Display    Value    name         type    format    label      Variable label------------------------------------------------------------week            str9    %9s                   week1           float   %tw                   ------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by:      Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
  • 月度资料
. input str6 month         month  1. "2021m1"  2. "2021m2"  3. "2021m3"  4. "2021m4"  5. "2021m5"  6. end. gen month1 = monthly(month, "YM"). format month1 %tm. gen month2 = monthly(month, "YM"). format month2 %tmCY-N. des 

Contains data Observations:             5                      Variables:             3                  -------------------------------------------------------------Variable      Storage   Display    Value    name         type    format    label      Variable label-------------------------------------------------------------month           str6    %9s                   month1          float   %tm                   month2          float   %tmCY-N               -------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by:      Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
  • 季度资料
. clear. input str6 quarter       quarter  1. "2021q1"  2. "2021q2"  3. "2021q3"  4. "2021q4"  5. end. gen quarter1 = quarterly(quarter, "YQ"). format quarter1 %tq. des

Contains data Observations:             4                      Variables:             2                  -------------------------------------------------------------Variable      Storage   Display    Value    name         type    format    label      Variable label-------------------------------------------------------------quarter         str6    %9s                   quarter1        float   %tq                   -------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by:      Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
  • 半年度资料
. clear. input str6 halfyear      halfyear  1. "2021h1"  2. "2021h2"  3. "2022h1"  4. "2022h2"  5. "2023h1"  6. end. gen halfyear1 = halfyearly(halfyear, "YH"). format halfyear1 %th. des

Contains data Observations:             5                      Variables:             2                  -------------------------------------------------------------Variable      Storage   Display    Value    name         type    format    label      Variable label-------------------------------------------------------------halfyear        str6    %9s                   halfyear1       float   %th                   -------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by:      Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
  • 年度资料
. clear. input str10 accper         accper  1. "2020-12-31"  2. "2021-12-31"  3. "2022-12-31"  4. "2023-12-31"  5. "2024-12-31"  6. end. gen date = date(accper, "YMD"). format date %tdCY-N-D. gen year1 = year(date). gen year2 = real(substr(accper,1,4)). gen year3 = yearly(substr(accper,1,4), "Y"). format year3 %ty. des

Contains data Observations:             5                      Variables:             5                  -------------------------------------------------------------Variable      Storage   Display    Value    name         type    format    label      Variable label-------------------------------------------------------------accper          str10   %10s                  date            float   %tdCY-N-D             year1           float   %9.0g                 year2           float   %9.0g                 year3           float   %ty                   -------------------------------------------------------------Sorted by:      Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.

3. 相关推文

Note:产生如下推文列表的 Stata 命令为:
lianxh 日期 时间, m
安装最新版 lianxh 命令:
ssc install lianxh, replace

  • 专题:Stata入门
    • Stata:根据当前日期返回是周几
  • 专题:数据处理
    • Stata:如何保留时间连续的样本
    • Stata:文字型日期格式的转换
    • Stata数据处理:字符型日期变量的转换
    • 如何处理时间序列中的日期间隔-(with-gaps)-问题?
  • 专题:回归分析
    • Stata:时间虚拟变量还是时间趋势项?
    • 傻傻分不清:时间趋势项与时间虚拟变量
  • 专题:面板数据
    • xtseqreg:面板模型如何估计不随时间变化的变量
  • 专题:断点回归RDD
    • Stata:时间断点回归RDD的几个要点
  • 专题:时间序列
    • Stata:时间序列数据的回归和预测
  • 专题:机器学习
    • 知乎热议:纠结-计量经济、时间序列和机器学习

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搜: 推文、数据分享、期刊论文、重现代码 ……
👉 安装:
. ssc install lianxh
. ssc install songbl
👉  使用:
. lianxh DID 倍分法
. songbl all

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