美添音乐 Everyday music 《All Is One》



Everyday music





——《Some Dreams》

名:《All Is One》

歌者  Allan Taylor

词曲Allan Taylor

流派 民谣



One frozen smile, one dying fall

One crooked mile, one Wailing Wall

One broken vow divides the few

Too late somehow to make anew

One bird in spring, come summer soon

Young lovers sing a simple tune

Too young to know how dreams are brief

And come to fall, one autumn leaf

One final dance unites us all

One grand romance before we fall

One stands alone when all is gone

When one is all and all is one

One river flows, one endless sea

One never knows how it should be

One hopeless love, one more lost cause

One velvet glove to close the doors

One backward glance, one fare-thee-well

One more chance in a wishing well

One helpless call, one road too far

We lose it all, for what we are

One final dance unites us all

One grand romance before we fall

One stands alone when all is gone

When one is all and all is one

One grain of sand, one falling star

One crippled hand, one old guitar

One tune will end, one song begins

We fly again on broken wings

One traitor's kiss, one twisted knife

One night of bliss, one wasted life

One final hour, one second more

One faded flower thrown to the floor

One final dance unites us all

One grand romance before we fall

One stands alone when all is gone

When one is all and all is one

One letter burned, one memory lost

One gift returned, one lover crossed

One open wound, one bleeding heart

One comes around, one plays the part

One life is short, one cannot stay

One must depart, one fades away

One runs the course, one tries in vain

One shows remorse and tries again

One final dance unites us all

One grand romance before we fall

One stands alone when all is gone

When one is all and all is one

And all is one, and all is one



今天分享一首艾伦·泰勒(Allan Taylor)的《All Is One》。

艾伦·泰勒(Allan Taylor),1945年9月30日出生于英国布莱顿,是英国享有极其崇高地位的民谣诗人,他有着歌手、吉他手、音乐家、诗人等多重身分,活跃在民谣乐坛三十多年,经历了Beatnik时代、Skiffle时代、摩登派、摇滚派和早期嬉皮士时代。

受 Davey Graham的影响,艾伦·泰勒17岁时在布莱顿地区的民间俱乐部开始了他的职业生涯。艾伦·泰勒一直被认为是一位完美的表演者,一位文采优美的作家。他的创作是现实主义的,描写默默无闻的英雄和未知的生活。他的声音识别度很高,圆润,又有着迷人的黑暗,伴随着细节复杂又响亮的吉他声,60年代就已红便英国民谣乐坛,征服了英国及爱尔兰,他的乐风影响了Dire Straitv、Fairport Convention、Steeleye Span等民谣摇滚巨将。他的《It 's good to see you》在很多国家都很火,这首歌至少有80个翻唱版本。

发行《All is One》(2013年)时,他已经年近70,并面临着人生的考验——严重的肩膀功能障碍使他无法弹奏吉他——对于一个音乐家来说,这可真是很痛苦。不过,谢天谢地,最终治愈了。





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