







1. 由……举办          be held by…

2. 参加,加入        get involved in/join in/participate in/take part in

3. 增强体质          strengthen one’s body

4. 丰富某人的校园生活        enrich one’s school life

5. 从……中获益良多        benefit a lot from…

6. 以……为主题           with the theme of…

7. 对……评价高        think highly of…

8. 保护城市的文化遗产          preserve the city’s cultural heritage

9. 提高保护文化遗产的意识        raise the awareness of protecting the cultural heritages

10. 提供各种中国特色小吃        supply various Chinese characteristic snacks



An activity, whose theme was…, was held by the students’ union.

2. 对……感兴趣的老师和学生都参加了这次活动。

Teachers and students who are interested in…participated in it.

3. 每个人对该活动的评价都很高,因为这是一个……的好机会。

Everyone thinks highly of this activity, for it is a good chance to…

4. 这次活动非常成功。

The activity turned out to be a great success.

5. 这次活动不仅提高了学生们的……意识,而且也丰富了校园生活。

Not only does the activity raise the students’ awareness of…, but it also enriches the school life.


A Cross-country Running Race

A 5,000-metrecross-country running race held by the students union last Sunday.

150 participants from three grades got involved in the race active, among which was students and teaching staff. The race route started at the school gate or ended at the foot of the South Hill. It began at 9:00 a.m. and lasted about an hour. Most of the racers finished the whole course.

The race turnedout to be a great success. Not only does it strengthen our body but it also tests our will and enriches our school life. Every participant benefits a lot from it.



1. 参加人员;

2. 活动内容;

3. 活动反响。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;


A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

A photography activity, whose theme was preserving the city’s cultural heritage, was held bythe students’ union last Sunday.

Teachers and students who are interested in photography participated in it. They took some wonderful photos of the cultural heritages in our city. Meanwhile, somestudents interviewed some senior citizens and asked more about the culturalheritages. Finally, after returning to school, everyone shared thephotos and had a discussion about how to protect the cultural heritages.

The activity turned out to be a great success. Not only does it raise the awareness ofprotecting the cultural heritages but it also enriches our school life.

By Li Hua

School Newspaper



1. 参加人员;

2. 活动内容;

3. 活动反响。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;


Let’s Share Nice Food

Let’s Share Nice Food

A food festival with the theme of “sharing Chinese characteristic snacks” was held in our school last week, which attracted many food lovers.

100 students from different classes joined in it and supplied various Chinese characteristic snacks. According to the kinds of the food they shared, they were divided into10 groups, and were asked to show their food to the food lovers.

Each snack had a poster of introduction made by itsparticipants. Finally, the food lovers voted for the most popular snacks.

Everyone thinks highly of this activity, for it is a good chance to taste nice food and learn more about Chinese culture.

By Li Hua

School Newspaper

