政观快递 | AJPS Vol.64, No.3, 2020

期刊简介:《美国政治学杂志》(American Journal of Political Science, AJPS)致力于在公民身份、治理和政治等知识领域取得重大进展。作为中西部政治科学协会的官方期刊,AJPS发表所有政治学领域的相关研究,包括美国政治、公共政策、国际关系、比较政治学、政治学方法论和政治学理论等。



1. 国外恐怖主义会影响国内对移民的态度吗?

Can Terrorism Abroad Influence Migration Attitudes at Home?

2. 政党分支和美国的政党派系

Party Sub-Brands and American Party Factions

3. 培养代理人:印度贫民窟的声誉、回应能力和种族中立

Cultivating Clients: Reputation, Responsiveness, and Ethnic Indifference in India's Slums

4. 镇压的技术:互联网接入与国家暴力

Repression Technology: Internet Accessibility and State Violence

5. 幸福感与投票:来自欧洲40年选举的证据

Happiness and Voting: Evidence from Four Decades of Elections in Europe

6. 一个在选民中基于选择测量议题重要性的方法

A Choice‐Based Measure of Issue Importance in the Electorate

7. 这需要一个村庄:技术采用中的同侪效应和外部性

It Takes a Village: Peer Effects and Externalities in Technology Adoption

8. 随时间推移发生的政治冲突

Political Conflict over Time

9. 测量美国党派对立的政策基础

The Policy Basis of Measured Partisan Animosity in the United States

10. 美国的政党捐赠者、初选与政治两极化

Donors, Primary Elections, and Polarization in the United States

11. 普世之爱亦或一神信仰?宗教观念在利他主义和歧视方面矛盾影响的实验证据

Universal Love or One True Religion? Experimental Evidence of the Ambivalent Effect of Religious Ideas on Altruism and Discrimination

12. 政策执行关怀的公共伦理

A Public Ethics of Care for Policy Implementation


题目:Can Terrorism Abroad Influence Migration Attitudes at Home?

作者:Tobias B¨ohmelt,埃克塞斯大学政府系教授;Vincenzo Bove,华威大学政治学教授;Enzo Nussio,瑞士联邦理工学院安全研究中心高级研究员


This article demonstrates that public opinion on migration “at home” is systematically driven by terrorism in other countries. Although there is little substantive evidence linking refugees or migrants to most recent terror attacks in Europe, news about terrorist attacks can trigger more negative views of immigrants. However, the spatial dynamics of this process are neglected in existing research. We argue that feelings of imminent danger and a more salient perception of migration threats do not stop at national borders. The empirical results based on spatial econometrics and data on all terrorist attacks in Europe for the post-9/11 period support these claims. The effect of terrorism on migration concern is strongly present within a country but also diffuses across states in Europe. This finding improves our understanding of public opinion on migration, as well as the spillover effects of terror ism, and it highlights crucial lessons for scholars interested in the security implications of population movements.


题目:Party Sub-Brands and American Party Factions

作者:Andrew J. Clarke,拉斐特学院政府与法律系助理教授


Scholars and pundits have long noted the dominance of the American two‐party system, but we know relatively little about new, endogenous institutions that have emerged within the two major parties. I argue that ideological factions provide party sub‐brands, which allow legislators to more precisely define their partisan type and capture faction‐specific resources. To support this claim, I analyze new data on nine ideological factions in the House of Representatives (1995–2018). I find that (1) faction voting is distinct, suggesting a product ripe for party sub‐branding, and (2) joining a faction changes the ideological composition of a candidate's donor base—conditional on the strength of the faction's institutions. Party sub‐branding is effective only when factions possess organizational features that induce coordinated and disciplined position taking (e.g., whips, PACs, membership restrictions). These results suggest that, even within highly polarized parties, American is more than a dichotomous choice, and factions target niche markets of political donors as a means of blunting financial instruments of party power.



题目:Cultivating Clients: Reputation, Responsiveness, and Ethnic Indifference in India's Slums

作者:Adam Michael Auerbach, 美利坚大学国际服务学院助理教授;Tariq Thachil,范德堡大学政治学系副教授


Studies of clientelism overwhelmingly focus on how brokers target voters with top‐down benefits during elections. Yet brokers also receive requests from voters for assistance between elections, initiating the processes through which they cultivate clients. Why are brokers responsive to the requests of some voters and not others? We provide the first study of broker preferences when evaluating client appeals. Theories emphasizing brokers as vote monitors anticipate they will prefer co‐partisans and coethnics, whose reciprocity they can best verify. Theories emphasizing brokers as vote mobilizers anticipate they will prefer residents who will maximize their reputations for efficacy. We test these expectations through a conjoint experiment with 629 Indian slum leaders, ethnographic fieldwork, and a survey of 2,199 slum residents. We find evidence of reputational considerations shaping broker responsiveness. We find mixed support for monitoring concerns, highlighted by an absence of the strong ethnic favoritism assumed to dominate distributive politics in many developing countries.



题目:Repression Technology: Internet Accessibility and State Violence

作者:Anita R. Gohdes,柏林赫尔梯行政学院国际和网络安全教授


This article offers a first subnational analysis of the relationship between states' dynamic control of Internet access and their use of violent repression. I argue that where governments provide Internet access, surveillance of digital information exchange can provide intelligence that enables the use of more targeted forms of repression, in particular in areas not fully controlled by the regime. Increasing restrictions on Internet accessibility can impede opposition organization, but they limit access to information on precise targets, resulting in an increase in untargeted repression. I present new data on killings in the Syrian conflict that distinguish between targeted and untargeted events, using supervised text classification. I find that higher levels of Internet accessibility are associated with increases in targeted repression, whereas areas with limited access experience more indiscriminate campaigns of violence. The results offer important implications on how governments incorporate the selective access to communication technology into their strategies of coercion.



题目:Happiness and Voting: Evidence from Four Decades of Elections in Europe

作者:George Ward,麻省理工学院Sloan管理学院行为与政策科学研究博士生


There is a growing interest among policy makers in the use of subjective well‐being (or “happiness”) data to measure societal progress, as well as to inform and evaluate public policy. Yet despite a sharp rise in the supply of well‐being‐based policymaking, it remains unclear whether there is any electoral demand for it. In this article, I study a long‐run panel of general elections in Europe and find that well‐being is a strong predictor of election results. National measures of subjective well‐being are able to explain more of the variance in governing party vote share than standard macroeconomic indicators typically used in the economic voting literature. Consistent results are found at the individual level when considering subjective well‐being and voting intentions, both in cross‐sectional and panel analyses.


题目:A Choice‐Based Measure of IssueImportance in the Electorate

作者:ChrisHanretty, 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院政治学系教授; Benjamin E. Lauderdale, 伦敦大学学院政治学系教授;Nick Vivyan,达拉姆大学政府与国际关系学院教授

摘要:对于政治学者来说,测量选民对于不同政策议题的关心程度是非常重要的,然而现有的测量手段有明显的局限性。本文提供了一个新的基于选择的调查-实验方法来测量选民对不同立场性议题(positional issues)的重视程度,包括并未被政治精英所争论的议题。本文结合了两组信息,一是引出受访者对于不同议题所持立场的直接的问题;二是联合实验,要求受访者在这些议题上对其偏好立场进行权衡。本文应用这一方法研究了英国34个议题的相对重要性,表明了英国选民非常重视死刑这类尚未成为政治辩论主题的议题,并且更重视那些和社会自由-保守相关的议题而不是经济上的左-右分野。

Measuring how much citizenscare about different policy issues is critical for political scientists, yetexisting measurement approaches have significant limitations. We provide a newsurvey‐experimental, choice‐based approach formeasuring the importance voters attach to different positional issues,including issues not currently contested by political elites. We combineinformation from (a) direct questions eliciting respondents' positions ondifferent issues with (b) a conjoint experiment asking respondents to trade offdepartures from their preferred positions on those issues. Applying this methodto study the relative importance of 34 issues in the United Kingdom, we showthat British voters attach significant importance to issues like the deathpenalty that are not presently the subject of political debate and attach moreimportance to those issues associated with social liberal–conservative rather than economic left–right divisions.



题目:It Takes a Village: Peer Effects and Externalities in Technology Adoption

作者:Romain Ferrali,纽约大学阿布扎比分校社会学系博士后;Guy Grossman,宾夕法尼亚大学政治学系教授;Melina R. Platas,纽约大学阿布扎比分校政治学系助理教授;Jonathan Rodden,斯坦福大学政治学系教授


Do social networks matter for the adoption of new forms of political participation? We develop a formal model showing that the quality of communication that takes place in social networks is central to understanding whether a community will adopt forms of political participation where benefits are uncertain and where there are positive externalities associated with participation. Early adopters may exaggerate benefits, leading others to discount information about the technology's value. Thus, peer effects are likely to emerge only when informal institutions support truthful communication. We collect social network data for 16 Ugandan villages where an innovative mobile‐based reporting platform was introduced. Consistent with our model, we find variation across villages in the extent of peer effects on technology adoption, as well as evidence supporting additional observable implications. Impediments to social diffusion may help explain the varied uptake of new and increasingly common political communication technologies around the world.


题目:Political Conflict over Time

作者:William Howell,芝加哥大学政治学系教授;Stefan Krasa,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校经济学系教授;Mattias Polborn,范德堡大学经济学系教授


We study a model of electoral competition in which politicians must decide whether to initiate the provision of some public good and, afterward, how much of the public good to supply. The model illuminates how a project's implementation affects elections and, conversely, how electoral considerations influence decisions about implementation. Under well‐defined conditions, politicians will either implement projects that they do not like or delay projects that, absent electoral concerns, they would support. The model further reveals how the perceived benefits of holding office can impede the production of public goods about which there is broad consensus. And depending on facts about the program's structure and the electoral landscape, a policy's implementation can either mitigate or exacerbate political conflict.


题目:The Policy Basis of Measured Partisan Animosity in the United States

作者:Lilla V. Orr,耶鲁大学政治学系博士候选人;Gregory A. Huber,耶鲁大学政治学讲席教授


Understanding and addressing the consequences of partisan animosity requires knowledge of its foundations. To what extent is animosity between partisan groups motivated by dislike for partisan outgroups per se, policy disagreement, or other social group conflicts? In many circumstances, including extant experimental research, these patterns are observationally equivalent. In a series of vignette evaluation experiments, we estimate effects of shared partisanship when additional information is or is not present, and we benchmark these effects against shared policy preference effects. Partisanship effects are about 71% as large as shared policy preference effects when each is presented in isolation. When an independently randomized party and policy position are presented together, partisanship effects decrease substantially, by about 52%, whereas policy effects remain large, decreasing by about 10%. These results suggest that common measures of partisan animosity may capture programmatic conflict more so than social identity–based partisan hostility.


题目:Donors, Primary Elections, and Polarization in the United States

作者:Jordan Kujala,加州大学萨克拉门托中心政治学客座助理教授


I examine the influence of partisan donors on the district‐level ideological polarization of congressional candidates in the United States. I use data from 2002–10 U.S. House elections, which provide for the placement of major party primary winners on the same ideological dimension as their primary, general election, and partisan donor constituencies. Using this unique data set, I find strong evidence that the influence of donors in nominating contests is a source of polarization in the United States. House nominees are more responsive to their donor constituencies than either their primary or general electorates. I also find some evidence that the lack of general election competition affects nominee extremity. In safer districts, Democratic incumbents appear more responsive to donors. However, Republican donors seem to demand proximity regardless of district competitiveness. Overall, the polarizing effects of donor constituencies dominate any moderating effects, resulting in ideologically extreme nominees and, ultimately, members of Congress.



题目:Universal Love or One True Religion? Experimental Evidence of the Ambivalent Effect of Religious Ideas on Altruism and Discrimination

作者:Lisa Hoffmann,德国全球与区域研究院非洲事务研究所博士生;Matthias Basedau,德国全球与区域研究院非洲事务研究所教授;Simone Gobien,德国全球与区域研究院非洲事务研究所研究员;Sebastian Prediger,德国全球与区域研究院非洲事务研究所研究员

摘要:与世俗化理论的预期相反,宗教仍具有社会意义上的重要性,并通过多种途径影响政治,特别是在有关不同宗教社群之间的冲突方面。理论上,宗教可以加强利他主义,但是个人信仰方面的优越性信念可能会加强群体间的歧视和冲突。但是,由于具体的宗教观念几乎没有经过测试,先前的研究仍有不确定性。在本文中,作者认为宗教观念的内容对群体间歧视具有因果影响。因此,作者测试了“普世之爱”(universal love)和“一神信仰”(one true religion)两种对立的宗教观念对歧视和利他主义影响。通过对加纳和坦桑尼亚的穆斯林、基督徒的独裁者博弈,作者发现了因果关系:一神信仰的宗教观念增加了群体间歧视,而普世之爱则促进了平等对待。这其中的政策含义显而易见——提倡宽容的宗教观念似乎对避免冲突至关重要。

Contrary to the expectations of secularization theory, religion remains socially important and affects politics in multiple ways—especially regarding conflict between religious communities. Theoretically, religion can increase altruism, but belief in the superiority of one's faith may facilitate intergroup discrimination and related conflict. Previous findings remain inconclusive, however, as specific religious ideas have hardly been tested. In this article, we argue that the content of religious ideas has causal effects on intergroup discrimination. We hence test the impact of two opposing, prominent religious ideas on altruism and discrimination: universal love and the notion of one true religion. Conducting dictator games with Christians and Muslims in Ghana and Tanzania, we find causal effects: Whereas the idea of one true religion increases intergroup discrimination, that of universal love fosters equal treatment. The policy implications hereof are obvious—promoting tolerant religious ideas seems crucial to avoiding conflict.


题目:A Public Ethics of Care for Policy Implementation

作者:Daniel Engster,休斯敦大学公共事务学院教授


Liberal and republican political theorists have not paid much attention to a theory of public administration or policy implementation. To the extent that they have, they have tended to endorse an ideal‐typical Weberian model of bureaucracy and impersonal ethics of rules to limit street‐level discretion. This article argues that the Weberian bureaucratic ethics is inconsistent with core liberal and republican values and, in fact, dominating at the street level. In order for laws and policies to be implemented in a manner consistent with liberal and republican principles, an alternative public ethics is proposed—a public ethics of care. Building on earlier research, this article argues that a public ethics of care represents an important supplement to liberal and republican ideals, as well as a better alternative to Weberian bureaucratic ethics, for implementing laws and policies at the street level in limited and responsive, nondominating ways.





